*Tornado in NM*
A funnel cloud *might have* touched the ground in Rio Rancho yesterday. Get this...We were just in Rio Rancho at Target yesterday. We barely made it home before what we thought was just going to be an "isolated thunderstorm"- which is what they said it was going to be...TURNS OUT THERE WAS A TORNADO WARNING for us. Can you believe that s*&^!!!!!????? Charles and I, watched the rain and hail as the kids took a nap yesterday. We had no idea about a tornado warning. I watch the news all the time, too- CRAZINESS!!!! The sky WAS very ominous. We were just happy to make it home before the storm. Stuff like this isn't supposed to happen in NM....Texas, yeah, but NM??!! Just goes to show you, I guess....Anything can happen!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/18/2005 10:26:00 AM
Yeah-Thank God! It was way too close to home though.
Posted by
Hillary |
4/18/2005 03:12:00 PM