~Pollen, Bees, and Flowers~
Oh, do I love Spring time. It's such a beautiful time to watch the trees and flowers bloom. The hummingbirds come back. NM has hummingbirds everywhere, and I love to feed them. One thing I hate about Spring time is the ALLERGIES that I have to go through just, because things decide to bloom. UGH- I must have sneezed 100 times (no joke) between today and yesterday. Our temperatures are beautiful. I couldn't ask for anything more, except for those dreaded Allergies...Runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing my head off. I never had allergies until after I had brevin. My midwife said, "Allergies can come at any time." OH JOY! Thanks! lol...So, now I have them and I'm not a big "pill taker." I hate any kind of medication. The only thing I HAVE to take is my migraine meds...And I haven't had a migraine in a while (knock on wood.) So, I'm stuck with blowing my nose all day and it's NOT fun! :-P So, be it- I guess! So... "Meesa", is in Jemez today with her Grandma. That leaves Brev and I, together to get into some trouble. He's so silly! He's already played outside and went for a walk with me. Oh yeah, and a roadrunner was checking Brev out in our back yard. How funny!! It was just sitting there on the wall staring at Brev. I thought it was cute, because Brevin didn't even see him. LOL-The whole time mind you- him and I ,were sneezing and feeling the full effects of Spring. Gotta love the outdoors though, don't you?!
*God Bless You*
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/15/2005 03:23:00 PM
Thank YOU!!! LOL hahahahahaha
Posted by
Hillary |
4/15/2005 03:23:00 PM
Allergies, suck
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/18/2005 10:27:00 AM
My poor ma. keep takin the claritin and things will seem a bit better. Love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/18/2005 04:03:00 PM
Snif* Bad Clartin, BAD!!!!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/18/2005 04:31:00 PM