Playground Fun
Nothing better than running freely in open space surrounded by slides, swings, tunnels, and cool things to hop on! The Playground is our children favorite place to be and who can blame them? Yesterday, was all about outside fun. They started off in our back yard on their own slide and play house...Then, the fun really began at the newest playground in our area. They had so much fun!! We picked Aiyana up and off we went. I even got dragged down the spiral slide with Aiyana. She wanted me to hold her feet as she went down the slide, upside-down. That girl is CRAZY! What ended up happening was I smashed her and we went down faster than ever! Charles, was waiting to catch us at the end of the slide. hehe. It was fun though. I said I wouldn't do it again, because she scared me, but we ended up doing it another 3 more times...Grrr...LOL. Meesa, was hesitant to swing. I don't know why, because this chick was in her swing since she's been born. It was the only comfortable spot for her to sleep when she was a baby. Then, once she fell asleep on her own, we transferred her to her crib...So, I can't figure why she was so stiff on it at the park...She was making a good turtle face though. Aiyana and I, were laughing so hard at her. Meesa, has mastered getting up and down those steps, she so struggled with last year. It's so amazing to watch your children achieve their goals that they 'kind of' set for themselves at such a young age. It really is amazing! Brev, had lots of fun climbing the walls that they have and trying something new...The tire swing! They had a blast on that thing! hehe... After what seemed like hours at the playground, we ran down a hill and onto GRASS! Can ya believe it? Grass, in NM! Yep- that's right...It really could be a football field...So we chased each other to the car afterwards. It was a lot of fun! After that we decided something easy and quick for dinner....What's more easy and quick then, pizza?! Pudge Brothers at that! YUM! The kids were so hungry. After they washed up, they sat down and started eating. IT WAS SILENT! It's NEVER silent at our table! LOL! They MUST have been hungry!!! They had a really good day! I love the Spring weather. It's fun to go out and do things as a family. And what's even more fun is to see your children really enjoying themselves at a place they love, The Playground! :)
Oh Yeah, and to top a GREAT day/night off...I got a call from my sis, Jenice! We had a great convo. Love ya girl! See ya at the wedding! =D
Posted by
Hillary |
4/14/2005 01:38:00 PM
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/15/2005 03:38:00 PM
yep, we sure had a wonderful day. love ya
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/18/2005 04:04:00 PM
Love ya....
Posted by
Hillary |
4/18/2005 04:32:00 PM