~Married Life~
I officially was married on August 11th to the love of my life. It was a beautiful wedding and it couldn't have gone better. I had my loved ones around me and I was happy. It didn't even rain!!! (It was an outdoor wedding!) It was perfect. There were some run-ins (devil trying to show up), but it didn't work. Everything was perfectly- perfect. I'm so happy!!! I got to see Jen and Jenice. I haven't seen Jen in years and years. She's never even seen my children. It was a good reunion. Jenice, came up to NY as well. She got to see the kids the year before last. My cousin Joe married us. It was the first time I got to meet him face to face. He's a great person. We're going to visit him in NC next year some time. My dad and mom walked me down the aisle..Up a small hill of grass. It was just hard NOT to trip over my dress. LOL. When it came time to put Charles' ring on his finger it was a challenge. He's a basketball player and about a month before the wedding, he hurt his ring finger. I told him before hand that I'd be shoving the ring on regardless. So, that's what I did. It took me three good times, but I got it on there and started laughing. I guess only him and I were the only ones that knew why we were laughing. After the ceremony my Mom and Cousin Joe asked why I started to giggle. Then, I told everyone the story. It figures the day I marry him, I won't be able to get the ring on. Grrr! Nevertheless, it's on there and I don't think it's coming off! HA! It was a good time. My photographer was excellent. He did a wonderful job. Very professional! I just found him online maybe 4 months before the wedding. Wow! That's cutting it close, but everything worked out beautifully! I couldn't have found a better person to shoot my wedding! If anyone needs a wonderful photographer in the NY area, let me know! Ha! We just got back to NM a couple of days ago and now it's just trying to straighten up the house, do all the vacation laundry, and start accumulating moving boxes. We already have some appointments set up to look at houses next week. I can't wait to see what else is out there. There are so many houses going up everywhere...There's got to be something bigger than what we have. We actually went to see a house this evening and was sadly disappointed. The lady was bragging how she only has the most wonderful houses and this house was no where near wonderful. It was awful looking. The front door has a big dent in it. That should have been a good indicator that what was inside wasn't much better. She was bragging to the kids too. Like, "look at the living room isn't it big?" I felt like saying, "No, our living room is twice the size of this!" But I didn't, I was nice. We didn't spend much time there. :P EW! It should be fun next week. We're sticking with our Agency this time. We saw some good houses before we got married, I'm sure we'll find something else for the time being. I just want something bigger. At least a 3 bedroom. We need it with all these kids running around. LOL. I make it sound like I have an army, but Brevy alone IS an army. Hehe...I just can't believe I'm married. I mean, I can...I have just been waiting and waiting for the day to be a MRS. Ever since I was a little girl. You know how you fantasize about it when your young. Well, I'm finally here. I decorated our van after getting home. Charles, got a lot of congratulations. They sure don't honk at you here like in NY. We kind of missed it. I told Charles NOT to expect it here. I mean, it IS NM! Ugh! I'll be glad when we get out of this place for good. We've been so busy I haven't really had time to come on here and write about anything. I've missed blogging. Usually, when I blog Baby, plays xbox. I bought him Madden for his wedding gift. He's in his glory. I got a nice gift too. A new purse. It doesn't get much better than that. hehe. I can never have enough purses these days. I'm getting spoiled, I do believe. Oh No! :-) I deserve it though! hehe...I should end here for now. There's some other things I need to be doing...Besides I'm a newlywed, I don't have the time to be on here. HA! :-)
It was!
It's okay babe, I like ur new word. lol.
I'm very proud to be your wife!! Babe, you could NEVER let me down. I love you muches! hehe....my word.
Posted by
Hillary |
8/19/2005 03:26:00 PM