It's a MONDAY! Ugh...
It seems like today is not a good customer service day for me. I was trying to get things accomplished and one thing after another just did NOT work out. I tried calling the water company and was on hold for 20 minutes. I decided to hang up, because I kept hearing, " we're experiencing high call volume, we value you as a customer, please continue to hold!" UGH!!!! Then, I called the phone company, because their website is down. I got no help there. On top of that I called to see if we can have a cat at the house and was told there's no deposit, just an extra $25/month. UGH!!!! AND on top of that I go upstairs to find my makeup crushed and all over the floor. WONDERFUL! There's a mess all over the sink as well. I asked Brevy and Bones about it and Brevy confessed. He knocked it over while getting the trash last night. UGH...So, I have that to clean up. I'd make him do it, but he'd probably just make it worse. It was an accident so I just let him go. It's a Monday!!! It just seems like the harder I try to get things accomplished the harder it is. I'm exhausted from working. It seems like that's all I do. I only wanted a part time position, but yet I get an extra 8 hours, because of the holiday. Even though I get extra hours we're all just sitting there waiting for the "beep" to go off in our ear. My AOS has been awful lately. I mean I still get an extra $2.00, but I want an extra $8.00!!! I'm there! I might as well go for it, but at the same time I get these old people that are cheap. They only want one pair of $30 pjs and don't want to pay shipping. HELLO!!! Ugh. How am I supposed to accomplish the $8.00 lift with calls like that? It's so frustrating!!! I VTO-ed last night, because it was slow and my AOS was really good and then I started getting the Pj calls. I got out of there as soon as I could. On top of that I was low on energy. I worked until midnight the night before and of course we get up at 7am to go to church on Sunday. I tried taking a nap yesterday, but then I didn't want to get up and go to work at 3pm. It's hard...I feel so run-down. The weird thing is the other people I work with only get 1-2 hours extra. I'm thinking, well why do I have an extra 8 hours? GEEZ! It's good for the holidays, but I need some time to rest , too! I live at work! My second home is my house. That's bad! Brevy's always saying, "Don't go to work, mama! Stay home! I never see you!" That's hard to hear that! I have to try to explain to a four year old that I HAVE to work. Yeah, right! It's just frustrating, is all. It wouldn't be so bad if while I was there I was actually BUSY! It's a Monday for sure. I can't wait until Thursday, my ONLY day off. I'm so glad Baby has basketball night or else I'd probably NEVER get a day off. Ugh!
I took a hot bath and didn't feel that much better...But I tried it. I think last week is just catching up to me, is all. Plus, it's a Monday.
Love you. I'm trying...Have to make dinner now. Will see you when you get home.
Posted by
Hillary |
12/12/2005 05:00:00 PM
((At least I got some stuff done. Water came and I brought it in from outside. I called the bank and fixed that situation. Got the insurance for the kids fixed, I hope. Cleaned up the yucky makeup everywhere...thanks Brevy. Paid the phone bill.)) lol. Oh well...I'm trying. I just hate shitty customer service.
Posted by
Hillary |
12/12/2005 05:03:00 PM