It Rained....
FINALLY! We got rain and boy did we get it. Tuesday night I was off and after Charles, got home and we ate some dinner, we took the kids to the park. We played soccer and I couldn't even keep up with either one of my kids (but we're not going there!) After soccer and a worn out *me*...We headed to get some movies and then to Walmart. The sky darkened and it looked like it was going to rain. Charles said, "no it won't!" We headed to Walmart to pick up some groceries and while standing in line, there was a lot of over head noise. I looked at Charles and looked outside and it looked like snow coming down. EVERYONE was so excited and talking about it. People were running to the front doors to watch the hail and rain come down. We saw employees that were on break take off and run outside to see it. It was crazy. We started laughing. It's the weirdest thing when you live in a desert, people are EXCITED about rain. EXCITED!! Can you imagine? Oh yes, I was. We never see it. I see it on the news once in awhile. It will rain in the mountains, but it never touches ground and here we were in Walmart and everyone running to the front door to witness such a site. Thunder and lighting and a ton of rain/hail. As we paid and headed towards the front door, we stopped as well. We were going to figure out how to get out of Walmart...By now cars were honking and pulling up to the door so their families wouldn't get wet. People started to get a little crazy and were cursing at each other, because this one lady was standing in the way of the car. Honking like you wouldn't believe. I thought I was back in New York. Craziness. It's just rain, people! We needed it, all the fires we've been having and drought. This won't get us out of a ten year drought, but it will sure help. We'll take it gladly. So, on with my story...We stood there and watched. There's no way we could run out in that and not get drenched. Charles, talked to his cousin who was also at Walmart with his little, cute, chubby son. :) We watched it calm down a bit and decided we could make a run for it, because we were parked close enough. We did and reached the car only to find that our feet went under about 5 inches of water. Sneakers were soaked, socks, you got it. We were screaming and laughing all the way. I was carrying bones, because she's slow and we were already wet enough. We piled in on the drivers side all wet, but happy. It was really cold outside too. It was fun. I haven't seen that kind of rain since NY. We came home and the kids got into the "fall" pj's. We accidentally left the AC on and it was freezing in our house. LOL. We ate muffins with tea and pretended it was fall outside. We're such dorks, I know... But it was fun! :)
K. Well, I am and the kids are. lol. We'll be dorks.
Yeah, it was.
Love you, more.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/29/2006 02:30:00 PM