Congrats Baby and Brevy
We went out last night to celebrate Charles passing his ABO test. After getting home we were kind of lingering outside so I said, "Let's take Brevy's training wheels off." We did and I knew it would be easy for him to ride without them, because he has a scooter with only two wheels, same thing. So, We tried it out and he immediately did well. He was riding up and down the side walk then Charles said let's go in the road so he has more room. He did much better in the road and was making his mom and dad so proud. I remember the first time I road my bike with out training wheels. How can I forget? My dad reminds me all the time. I think it's his favorite story. He told me I fell and ran upstairs to our apartment crying and I told him, "I'm never going to ride my bike again!" -being the little drama queen that I was (not am). LOL. Anyway, so I watched with amazement as he went up and down the street. He fell here and there, but caught himself. He's such a fast learner. We're so proud. :) Great job, Brevy!
awww...he's getting so big!
Posted by
J |
7/11/2006 12:42:00 PM
Yeah. I can't believe it.
Posted by
Hillary |
7/11/2006 12:57:00 PM