Swimming and a Date...
Yesterday, was a lot of fun! We went to church and actually made it there with out breaking down. YAY. That was our first accomplishment. Then, we came home and Daddy made us breakfast while we got ready for going swimming. We headed to the pool after we ate and got in the freezing cold water, again. The kids were clingy to Daddy and didn't venture off like they do when I'm with them. grrr. They only went down the slide a couple of times. Charles, was "catcher" and he missed Brevy the first time he went down the slide and he swallowed a bunch of water. LOL. He laughed it off and went to do it again. Charles and I, went down too. Something I usually can't do when I'm there by myself. We spent far too much time there. We didn't take any cell phone or watch or anything...We just wanted to have fun and not worry about time. When we got home though it was 3:45pm and Grandma was coming to watch the kids at 4pm. Charles, had planned a surprise date, but ended up telling me Saturday about it. Oops. It was still really cute and I was still really surprised. I hurried to put the kids to bed for nap time. I knew if they saw Grandma coming, they'd never go to sleep. Bones was falling asleep on the way home and Brevy, too. I knew they were tired after all that sun. We got ready again and headed to where else, but P.F Changs. :)I was so hungry after swimming and was really looking forward to a good meal. Charles and I, talked the entire time...Which never happens. I always look around at everyone else in conversation. Him and I, are chowing down instead. This time we still chowed down, but with conversation. :) I miss that, because I'm home with the kids all day and they're old enough to talk to, but it's kid conversation. Besides my mom, there is no one to talk to. So, I really enjoyed it to say the least. We left the restaurant and it started to rain (yeah, more rain) and we laughed as we rain to the car. We stopped to rent a movie on the way home and got back to two little ones that just woke up. Grandma slept, too. They looked energized and ready to play. Virg, left after that and I made some mac and cheese for the kids. It started to rain at our house and it poured. Mind you, I had already went out and watered all of my flower pots and here comes the rain. We stood there and watched it from the window. We gave Aiyana a call and talked to her for a bit. She's having lots of fun and we're happy about that. She deserves to have some fun and not to worry about anything for once. :) It was a fun day, but we were exhausted. We watched some of the movie and decided to end it for the night. It's back to work today, but I'm looking forward to the 4th of July, because Charles has off. I'm scheduled to work that night. We'll have the day to spend together and I'll only be working for an hour. I'll have to make up the rest of the time. There's no way I'd miss watching the fire works with my family. :)
awww...that's great that you guys got to go on a date! sounds like you had a lot of fun, too! :)
Posted by
J |
7/04/2006 05:20:00 PM
Yeah, it was long over due. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
7/05/2006 11:15:00 AM
Yep. Love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
7/06/2006 12:02:00 PM