Wisdom Teeth
There isn't anything *wise* about having your wisdom teeth if they don't fit in your mouth. So, I had my $45.00 consultation today. I waited for an hour all to pay a D.D.S to look at the x-ray that I brought with me. He told me how he'd do the procedure. I later found out that he'd do it for over a Grand. I paid him to look at my x-ray and then I have to pay him again for what would be a months rent, all for a 20 minute procedure. Go figure! ON TOP OF THAT...All he did was stare at my chest the whole entire time. HOW DISCUSSING! This guy went to Yale. I was reading all his plaques on the wall while I waited for his arrival. UGH...PEOPLE!!!! He had the nerve... And he didn't even TRY to play it off...He was talking to my chest. I was so....Appalled! I still am!! I hate men like that. They treat you like you're a piece of meat.
So, between the wedding, moving and still having to pay our rent...I doubt he'll be the one extracting MY wisdom teeth. My teeth are way too "wise" for that one! Ha!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/19/2005 08:47:00 PM
Some men are pigs!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/20/2005 09:21:00 AM
Even *SMART* ones...grrr
What a asshole! (excuse me)
Posted by
Hillary |
4/20/2005 09:22:00 AM
"an" I should say...lol
Posted by
Hillary |
4/20/2005 09:23:00 AM
Asshole! We're def. not going back to him. love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/20/2005 09:54:00 AM
Nope, not even if I had all the money in the world...Can you imagine if he had me "under?" UGH!!! I bet he's one of those people that try to get a 'feel' in...People are sick these days!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/20/2005 10:08:00 AM
gross - i can't believe he was doing that. if you wanted to, you could report it. did you say anything to him?
and, don't you have insurance to pay for your wisdom teeth extraction? if not, i'd wait till you DO have insurance because that's SO expensive. and wisdom teeth can wait a while. besides, it HURTS a LOT to get em out - plan on being "out" for at least 2 or 3 days. and by out i mean lying on the couch moaning in pain.
Posted by
J |
4/20/2005 05:35:00 PM
Believe it! I should report his ass! Yeah, like I said it's going to be a GRAND to get them out!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/20/2005 07:17:00 PM
oh and I wouldn't have him do it after how he was in the consultation and all...
yep- about 3 days out in LOTS of pain! Theys till have to come out.:P
Posted by
Hillary |
4/20/2005 07:19:00 PM