Santa's Coming...
Busy!! Busy!! Busy!! I finally got my Christmas cards out yesterday. I ran out of stamps, but I got them all out. Charles, is working at his other job today until noon. Then, I go to work and don't get home until after Midnight. We're going to attempt to Christmas shop for the kids and everyone else tomorrow. I actually have the day off, but we have no one to watch the kids. Aiyana also comes tomorrow. We usually scout out the place with the kids and then one of us stays with them in the car while the other shops really quickly. lol. Isn't that sad? Geez, but that's the only way we can do it. We'll have to drop Aiyana home first and then do it at night. She won't fall for that. That's what happens when ya don't have a babysitter. As long as Charles, can entertain them long enough for them not to see the big Santa bag entering the trunk. Pathetic! My Mom and Dad, got them a bunch of stuff. This year it's stuff they can actually use. They got them clothes, books, and bath toys. Charles' mom, got them a bunch of toys- I think. I still don't know what to get them. I think I'll get Bones a new winter coat, some room accessories, and some girlie stuff. Brevy, on the other hand...I know what he wants, but I really didn't want to buy him just toys. He'll have it broken in no time. My Dad bought him a blue navigator while we were in NY. The thing was $22 and Brevy had it broken that same night. He lost a tire and it all went down hill from there. Why buy him things he's going to break? It doesn't teach him anything either. He's been especially naughty for Daddy lately. Actually, both of them were awful last night...So, I heard. Thank God, I was at work! Grandpa, came over last night and the kids were fighting, not listening, being loud, etc. Charles, told me that even lil Bones didn't listen to him. Wow...Let's just say they went to bed early and not so happy. I would like to drop a lump a coal in their stocking and see how they like that on Christmas morning. I think Brevy, has figured no matter how he acts; Santa will come. It seems to be what he's thinking, because of the way he acts everyday. I keep telling him Santa watches everything he does. I wanted to get our traditional Christmas pictures done. The only day I have is Sunday. I also want to take the kids to actually see Santa. Maybe that will entice better behavior. Yeah, right! I can hope, can't I?! Charles, doesn't seem to want to do either one. I don't know. I guess it will be a last minute decision. I'm happy I won't be working on Christmas Eve and I also get paid for Christmas Day. Nice!!! It seems like I have so much to get accomplished in so little time, somehow I'll make it all work. Mama, always finds a way!
Yeah, right...You said that yesterday, but coming back from shopping today you see how stressful it really is. ugh. I wish your mom would watch them for just a couple of hours. We could get it all done then. Oh well, Time for plan B! Glad the kids were good for you last night. I had a talk with them. hehe. I guess it worked. Keep them busy and they won't be naughty. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
Mama Watermelon :)
Posted by
Hillary |
12/18/2005 03:23:00 PM