A Day Off...
Today, is my day off. The only day that I can not work, because Charles plays basketball. We woke up early this morning and got ready to take Aiy to school. We haven't taken her to school in awhile. Usually it's just Aiy and Daddy. After that it was time for some tree hunting. We were hoping we wouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for a live tree. We found this place that I had my eye on last night. There was a pregnant lady standing outside messing with some wires. She greeted us and kept at what she was doing. It was cold out this morning and she only had a fleece and some light gloves on. She looked about 8-9 months pregnant. After standing in one spot looking at what was around us; We just decided on one. They all pretty much looked the same. It's a 6.5 foot tree. Our ceilings are only 8 feet in the living room, so that would be perfect. She cut the end of it-- pregnant and all. Charles, strapped it to the top of our mini van and we drove off. When arriving home Smokey, was getting barked at by two lil hot dog-dogs. LOL. His tail was big and bushy and his back was arched. He looked like a Halloween cat. The lady that was walking her dogs on the other side of the side walk looked pleased with herself. Like her tiny dogs could really protect her. It was kind of funny. I bet Smokey didn't think so though. After they continued to walk down the street Smokey, stood there meowing. It was almost like he was afraid to cross the street- not knowing if those ratty dogs would come back. Finally, he did and he was "talking" up a storm. All the while Charles, was trying to get the tree from off the roof of the van. We let Smokey in the house along with the tree and it was Meesa's job to get the bag of food to fed him. She's been kind of scared of him ever since he barley snagged the tip of her finger while playing with a string once. She's still not too sure about him. He was rubbing all over her. Every time he'd touch her she'd take a step bag. She was holding her hat in one hand, trying to open this big bag of dried cat food with the other. It was funny! I was under the tree trying to screw it into the base as Charles held it. We kept telling her, "open the bag! He's hungry!" She struggled and tried not to get too close. She's so silly! Charles, helped her and she was able to pour him some food. The poor lil cat was starving. He gobbled the food right down. :-( Aws! After the tree was in and in a little slanted, he rushed to work. We said our goodbyes and now it was time to move some furniture. I had to basically re-arrange everything so that the tree could fit. I could barley pick it up, it's really heavy. Brevy, watched and kind of dictated where things would go. Then, he had the nerve to exclaim how tired he was from all the moving he did. ..."Okay, what did you exactly move again?" I said. "The tree!" says Brevy. "Right! Okay then! I can see why you are so tired." I said. He's so crazy!!! He's a lil Rodney (my dad!) After I got everything in place and all the pine needles vacuumed up, we headed back in the van to where else? Wal-Mart! We had a bunch of grocery shopping to do. I really didn't want to go shopping. By this time it was already noon. Ugh! So, we went and the parking lot was full. Even the farthest parking spots were taken. We got home at 2:30pm, just about an hour ago. I put the kids down for their nap. We do not mess with their napping schedule! I'm going to eat some lunch and nap, too. It's been a pretty fun day. Busy, but fun! We're going to try to decorate the tree tonight when Daddy gets home from basketball. I don't think I can wait until Saturday or Sunday. I am worse than a kid, I tell ya!!! The tree is bare and bushy and it needs some lovin'! Enough for now, this is supposed to be my relaxing, quite time. :-)
This is only part one, part two will come later. lol
Posted by
Hillary |
12/15/2005 03:57:00 PM
Yes, yes!!! very busy indeed. Brevy is a lil P.I.A! He's so naughty. lol.
It was kinda funny how he was saying he's so tired, even though he didn't do anything. :) Haha...
We love ya.
Posted by
Hillary |
12/16/2005 09:46:00 AM