We went house shopping. We saw this beautiful house about 25 minutes away from us now, but so beautiful. We weren't able to see the inside, because the Agency hasn't closed on it yet. We just looked through the windows. BEAUTIFUL! It's over 2,000 sq. Ft., two story. Nice wooden front door with a nice oval shape in the middle with flowers printed on glass. So nice! The kitchen has an island. It's tile floors in the kitchen and dining area, which is what we need with these messy kids that we have. The rest of the house is fully carpeted. Three bedrooms, huge living room area, plus a loft upstairs. GORGEOUS! I can't wait!! We're going to look at the rest of the house next week when things are finalized and they have keys to open it up. It's really nice. It's closer to where Charles works. It's a brand new area, they'll be a Wal-Mart there soon. It's a MUST have after looking at it. We saw three others that were okay, but look like crap compared to the first house we saw. Two of the houses were new, two were previously lived in. We got spoiled with this house that we're in now, because it was brand new. I want something else that's new as well. I just can't wait to see the rest of the house next week, hopefully. That's how nice it is. We pretty much made our decision with out even stepping foot into the house. How crazy is that? You know it MUST be nice. The kids are excited to have such a big house to play hide n' seek in. Pretty funny! Aiy, is excited. That means she'll definitely NEED to sleep over three times a week. We'll be too far from her house to be driving her home at night. That's a good thing, because she needs to spend time with us too. After having her for almost two weeks in NY she got used to us being around. Tuesday, was the first day really seeing her since NY. She seemed to miss us all. She's still "acting" like the BIG sister too, which is cool. She hasn't really done that until NY and she's keeping it up. She was feeding Messa her spaghetti tonight, because she was eating too slow. We rented "Because of Winn Dixie." We all "vegged out" in the living room. Charles, filled up the air mattress that we got for Brevy while in NY, for aiy. Then, I brought out the old crib mattresses and covered them all with big comforters and we snacked while watching the movie. Baby, still doesn't feel well. He went to the doctors to see what was going on. Apparently, he caught something while in NY. He just has pressure in his head and all the symptoms of a migraine. "Poor weedels" He went to bed early again. Me? I'm just bored...Figured I should blog and then write out my "Thank You" cards. I haven't had time to do them yet. I got the packages today that my Dad sent and was busy trying to find everything a "home." I don't know why?!?! In less than one month we'll be moving and nothing will have a home. Ugh! I'm excited to start anew somewhere that's twice the size of this, but I HATE the whole moving process. Sucks! Bittersweet, I guess. Well, it's getting late and I have to wake up "early" and meet these garage people that are coming to fix the pad lock. Ugh! More tomorrow! G'nite! :-O (yawn!)
Baby, you don't have west nile! You don't even have a fever. I know more than those doctors do that you're going to see. UGH! Baby, you're going to have to deal with the no Bob's thing. You'll be okay. hahah...We're not rethinking it just because there's no bob's out there. You're crazy! And FUNNY! hehe...Love you. Oh baby?? Wait, there's no nail salon out there either...wait, now we really DO have to re-think it. hehehe. j/k. Love you more, my husband of two weeks. :-)! <3
Posted by
Hillary |
8/25/2005 04:35:00 PM
No, we can't...It's a MUST HAVE. Bob's is nothing but greese and we can def- do with out greese. Thank you very much!!! Just because there's a dude in JEMEZ with West Nile, doesn't mean you have WN! K, I'm going to sound like a dork nonw....Did you know that 80% of peope living with WN experience NO symptoms at all. Only 20% of people experience a lil something and you have NONE of those symptoms, except a headache. I get headaches, are you telling me that I have WN? NO! POINT PROVEN!!!! I Love you and stop saying you have WN! K?! :-)
Posted by
Hillary |
8/25/2005 05:20:00 PM
Sorry, but it's true. I think he's given up on the whole thing. hehe. Didn't mean to scare you, but it IS interesting how we could all have it and not know. Pretty creepy!
Posted by
Hillary |
8/30/2005 09:53:00 AM
Yep! Charles does too. I don't know what it is about this tortilla burgers. They look greesy! Maybe that's why...? I dunno. I like the fries there...and that's about it. I'm a New Yorker, what can I say?! hehehehe....You guys can have your burgers!
Posted by
Hillary |
9/02/2005 12:20:00 PM