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Monday, August 22, 2005 

Wedding Pictures and Gifts!

I got my pictures today via postal mail. I was so excited to pop in the free digital album my photographer included. There's over 1,000 pictures. They're so nice!! I got teary- eyed all over again. I watched it twice, it takes about 45 minutes for the whole thing to play once. It has music and the pages turn by themselves. I LOVE it! I couldn't wait to show my husband (I love saying and writing, "Husband") when he got home. He watched it and loved it, too! He doesn't feel that great tonight, He's got a migraine. Poor Hubby! He went to bed early, he needs the extra rest. Tomorrow, he's got a day off so we can "house shop," but we can't even take advantage and sleep late. Brevy, has an early morning dental appointment. He's been getting his teeth cleaned ever since he was two years old. hehe. You have to start them early so they make it a priority when they're older!!! He loves it! He's so excited to get a new tooth brush, it's hilarious! So, after his appointment and some breakfast we'll be able to check out some rental houses. It's exciting even though I really don't want go through the whole moving process. If I could just snap my fingers it would be over with and we'd be settled somewhere new. If only it were that easy though! Dad, called today. He sent me two boxes of all the things I wasn't able to bring back with me from NY. We always leave stuff there. It's impossible to take everything on an airplane. He was wondering if I got it yet. We got some wedding gifts we had to have him send as well. Hopefully, it comes tomorrow. I'm ready to send out my 'Thank You' cards for the wedding gifts we DID receive. You're suppose to wait like a month afterwards...I figure if people haven't sent them by now, they're NOT going to. So, why wait? I'm a punctual kind of 'wifie.' I'm eager to send them NOW. Besides for the people that DID send us things, what are they going to think? Probably, that we forgot about their gift. Ah, so I make my own rules and will send them NOW! 8-)

Yes, they are. If only I can figure out why this Nero isn't copying the cd, I'd be okay. Neftali, doesn't get back until Friday to help me. He's good. Love you too Papa.

FYI - you "officially" have one year to send out wedding gifts. :)

Yeah, but that's ghetto! That's something MY family would do. I say two months tops!

p/ I don't know anyone that's done that.

Yeah, I really don't even go by wedding etiquette. To think that a marriage isn't going to last isn't very pc! Especially Charles and I. We've been together this long and will DIE together. That's just how it's going to be. So, I send out Thank You cards now, because people have given us gifts and they shouldn't wait to get their Thank You cards! Know what I mean?! So, like I said, I like to do it on MY time. I didn't go by wedding etiquette when I planned our wedding. It's your wedding, you should do what you feel fit! Not go by some dumb ole book that says differently. That's how I feel on the subject! If people want to wait to send gifts to see if we're going to last than that's just WRONG!

If you say so Colette! All I know is I'm done with my Thank You cards for now. If for some reason I get a gift 1 year from now or before, I'll dig out my Thank You cards again...

I think one year is good, especially for members of the wedding party who had to travel far and had lots expenses for the wedding. ;) But yeah, it is your wedding, do what works out for you!

Like I wrote above. "I'm done with my Thank You cards for NOW"

It really doesn't matter. People are going to do what they're going to do. All I'm saying is people shouldn't have to wait for their Thank You cards that HAVE given us a gift. All of the wedding party has already sent us gifts to our house or had the gifts at the wedding, including you. So, I don't get why you guys are so into this entry, but it sure does bring up my Stats! Thanks!

hahahaha...I dunno, it's just fun to check back and see what's been said. :) and it's always gratifying to see your stats go way up! I always feel loved when I see that lots of people have checked out my blog. So maybe that's why we're so into it - to make you feel loved! lol... ;)

Nenny: Yep IT IS!!! You're right! My stats have gone sky high. I do feel loved now....aw....thanks guys! heheh...See me blushing?! hehe....

I invited you COlette!!! It just didn't work out with your work schedule! I hope the next wedding you talk about will be YOURS!!! I can't wait!!!! It will be a BLAST! So, when are you guys planning on marrying again? hehehe....(HINT HINT) Yes, I'm being pushy...but I really can't wait! And then babies...and oh so exciting!!!!!

Speaking of having babies...????


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  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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