Welcome to my blog! My life isn't that interesting, but I like to make note of it anyway. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you don't comment, it's like you don't exist. Sign my guest book and leave your mark! Come back soon!!:):):):).

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

Monday, January 30, 2006 

MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tomorrow, is my BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! I'll be 25 going on 105!!!! :):):):):)

Sunday, January 29, 2006 


I haven't had time to do much only work and go to church today. It seems I don't have a minute to sit and breathe, there's always something to be done. Today, was the first day Aiyana came over all week. She's hasn't been waiting to sleep over...So, the kids and I, haven't seen in since last week. Charles, still takes her to school and sees her for a little while. She was good. She was happy to be over it seemed. We went to church together, took her to Sunday school after that, went home, ate, Put the kids down for a nap, and Charles and I, tried to rest while she played xbox for a bit. Sunday mornings are the hardest. I love getting up to go to church, but I work until midnight on Saturdays and usually don't get to bed until after 1am. That's really hard for me. Trying to get three kids all to do the same thing isn't easy period, let alone when you're tired. It was a good day though. The kids had fun!

I can't seem to remember anything these days. What's wrong with me? Already getting old you suppose? I want to say Happy Birthday, Colette!! *shakes head* So sorry I haven't been on to tell you sooner. It's as though I'm running around headless. :-P I should get going to bed, it's been a long day and I'm tired. More tomorrow...

Friday, January 27, 2006 

Lord, I'm in a mood...

Yesterday, wasn't very eventful. I woke up early due to Miss. Bones banging on the wall. I couldn't go back to sleep, because of the dogs barking across the street. Ugh! Needless to say I was cranky all day long. I tried to shake it off, but it didn't work. I watched my Pastor on T.V. and thought if I watched church, it would help. It kind of did and then I started decorating the house for Valentine's Day. Usually I wait until the 1st of the month, but I was in a mood and needed to do something fun. I ended up breaking the outside light cover...I just barley touched it and it fell off and broke. Wonderful. :( So, I was having fun until that point. Then, I had to clean up the broken pieces that splattered all over the front sidewalk. Ugh! So, after doing that I left it alone. Charles, came home soon after and we went grocery shopping. Usually shopping makes me feel better. On the very long ride to Wal-Mart, I keep thinking how I miss NY and would love to visit. I think from Thanksgiving and my birthday it's a hard time for me. I hadn't noticed this year until yesterday. It's a lot of holidays to be without your mom and dad, I guess. They're all fine and don't seem to miss me, but that's not the point. I miss the snow and seeing familiar faces. I can't wait to go back for our one year anniversary. We're also going to be seeing cousin Joe and his family, as well. We're going to have some fun come this summer. :) I can't wait to see my cousin preach. Charles and I, are really looking forward to going to his church. Until then, I guess the thought will have to keep me motivated. I just miss family and friends the most. :*(

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 


It's snowing in NM in honor of your birthday. Wow....I think this is our first snow.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006 


Oh Lord, who said there's just One Life to Live?

I'm sure I'm livin' a thousand!

The few times I do awake I pray

All My Children start arousin'!

Uh, Oh! No time for quiet now

Think quick! The day's beginnin'!

I'll try to recall all Oprah's advise...

Then my head starts spinnin'.

Make those younguns religious, cautious but not suspicious

And watch their self-esteem!

Yet you be professional, look sensational

And keep that house squeaky clean!

And perish the thought you'd forget the needs

Of that marvelous man you married

Why, throw yourself before him when he raises his eyebrows

And quit thinking, "I'd rather be buried!"

Oops, now I'm late for work, the kids hate their clothes

And the baby's got a cough

As the World Turn so quickly, I'm severely tempted

To take the next jump off.

Surely they're kiddin', Is there anyone left

Who's honestly Young and Restless

As for me, I feel centuries old, completely worn out

And cellulite infested!

It's gonna take more than Ryan's Hope for this women to survive.

I cannot abide another deep breathe of these Day's of our Lives!

Superwomen? She's a curse. To fake her is impossible!

And if I try for one more day, I'll wind up in General Hospital!

I've gotta be here, I've gotta be there!

I frankly cannot face it.

Rescue me from havoc, please show me what is basic!

Slow me down, Lord, save this life and keep my eyes on You.

Satan can have this rat race world-

Thank God, I'm just passin' through.

Monday, January 23, 2006 

Sunday, Kids day

Sunday, was fulfilling as usual. :) We woke up and went to church. It was 'kids day.' After church we ate and went to the mall to get the kids new shoes. They got two pairs of shoes each and it didn't cost much. :) Then, we went to the books store and picked up a few more books. We also hit up Best Buy for some CD's, but they didn't have them. I did end up picking up a renewal of my virus protection though. :) So, we went next door to Circuit City and they had the CD's we were looking for. The sound track to the "Gospel" and Yolanda Adams. Nice! We headed home to put the kids asleep and Charles and I, hung out. I did some of my Bible Study lessons that are due on Tuesday. By then it was time for Aiyana to come over. She arrived with her mother and didn't say anything to me. I think her mother trains her to be like that. So, after she left she was talking. Weird! You would think her mother would teach her better. It's like being in second grade all over again. I mean, GROW UP! Ugh! Anyway, so she would be sleeping over and the last couple of times didn't go well. I wasn't looking forward to being awakened a million times during the night. Daddy, made his famous friend chicken for dinner...Need I say any more? We headed to Hastings and got some movies for 'movie night.' I think "Chicken Run" was the only movie the kids hadn't seen so we picked it up and flew home. :) We made sugar cookies and the kids drank milk with it; Charles and I had tea. It was a good day! Aiy, of course threw her fit before going to bed. She came up with every excuse not to go to sleep. On top of that she lost her tooth at dinner. I thought if we'd mention to go to sleep so the tooth fairy could come, that would help. No chance, she had other plans in mind. So, we rubbed "ashes" on her. Did that help? No! Then, she was scared...We went through everything in the book to make her feel safe. Did that help? No! Then, she missed her mom. We ensured her about her mom and told her to say her prayers. Did that work? No! Then she missed her dad. Charles, held her and told her he's always there for her. Did that work? No! Then her tummy hurt, her feet hurt, everything hurt. Ugh~She had every excuse in the book. Charles and I, were up for a little bit trying to watch a movie (which I did not like, by the way) and she kept coming in with those excuses. Then, after we went to bed; which was well after 11pm she still came in all night. It was awful! Finally, I think she fell asleep and no sooner did she fall asleep, it was time to wake up. So naughty!! That's why I raised Brevy and Bones to fall asleep by themselves if they woke up in the middle of the night. Aiy, has always been "babied" and have always had these sleep problems. Not good! She doesn't have enough confidence to do it on her own. Ugh! I don't have patience with that kind of stuff. I mean, I try and did well helping Charles with her. She's old enough to start doing better though. She was doing fine until she didn't come over for a whole week...That made her a little uneasy. Who knows what they tell her at her house as well. Poor thing. Poor us for being all sleep deprived. Ugh...Charles, had a talk with her and supposedly she'll do better on Wednesday when she sleeps over again. Let's just say I'm glad I'm working and don't get off until really late. :) Today, I'm off as well. I have to pick out something for my Dad's birthday. It's coming up so quickly. Well, I sure I have to do something around this house...More later....

Sunday, January 22, 2006 


http://www.funpages.com/whereareyou/ I think this post is important so I moved it up. It's for the people that don't bother to answer their email anymore, bother to say,"hello" back to you when you see them in the hallway, or even bother to care that you're thinking about them. I care! I always care! I'm here when you're ready! I haven't forgotten about you and never will. Send me an email when you have a chance.

Saturday, January 21, 2006 

Her temple

Her temple
Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

Lilly loves this spot. It's probably her favorite in the entire house. Some place high up where she can see everything. :)


ME and Lilly

ME and Lilly
Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

She loves her new kitty. They're naughty together now. It's like having another kid in the house. Ahhh! :-)


She's so cute.

She's so cute.
Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

This pic is a little fizzy, but she looks like she's smiling. Awww....



Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

A new picture of Miss. Gracie. She's getting big. :)

Friday, January 20, 2006 

New Cursor~~

The birthday balloon cursor is for all the birthdays we have in this month of January and even in February. Those include...Aiyana's birthday, my Dad's birthday, Colette's birthday, MY birthday, and Jen's birthday. :)


Dinner with our Pastor

We had a really good time last night at our Pastor's house. The kids went to day care and they told us they were going to have corn dogs, corn, and pudding for dinner and they'd play and watch a movie. The kids were so excited! When we got to our Pastor's house we were nervous. We didn't know who'd be there or what to expect. He's got a very nice home and a wonderful family. He's so down to earth. We filled out little name tags. Charles' name tag read, "Char les." Sorry Babe. I was holding my hand bag on my arm as I was writing and my handbag slid down and made me put a space between your name. LOL. It's was really funny though. A good ice breaker, eh?! I thought so anyway. We stood around looking nervous. Then, this elderly couple started talking to us. What a relief! After that it was pretty smooth sailing. They had some really good food. We ate, lasagna, green beans, croissants, baked chicken and a yummy salad. For dessert we had brownie cake and strawberries (they had the most beautiful, sweetest strawberries. They must have paid an arm and a leg for them at this time of year.) After we ate dinner he handed out a booklet about what our Church is all about and what we believe in. We went through all of it and listened as he explained his background about himself and then told us how our church was when he arrived years ago. I am thankful that he's our Pastor. Let me share "Our Position" as a Church (which I think says it all...)

"For now we are all children of God though faith in Jesus Christ, and we who have been baptized into union with Christ are enveloped by Him. We are no longer Jews or Gentiles, or slaves or free men, or even merely men or women, but we are all the same--we are Christians; we are one in Jesus Christ!" Galatians 3:26-28 (LB)

After leaving and thinking about all that was said I'm loving it even more, which I didn't think was possible. They're doing great things, great missions, great people and I'm happy to be a part of it. Needless to say I dreamt about the dinner all night. I've never had a dream that lasted the entire night. Even after you get up in the middle of the night and fall back to sleep, and still dream about the same thing you were before awaking. Wow! I was really happy we went. Also very thankful to Charles (not Char les) for sacrificing his basketball night so we could go. Thanks Baby! You are the best! :-)

Thursday, January 19, 2006 

An Upcoming surgery....

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh! I just made an appointment to have my wisdom teeth pulled. AHHHHHHHHH! You must relies I have NEVER had surgery for anything, ever. The only time I was hospitalized was to have my children and I didn't even stay a whole 24 hours in the hospital. LOL. I didn't!!! So, this is big, huge! I know I need to have it done and I can't keep putting it off. Once you get a certain age they won't even think of doing it. I think I'm actually a little "old" to be getting it done in the first place. Usually, they do it when your in your teen years. Ugh~ So, my appointment isn't until March. YIKES! It's still a scary thought. I'm going to be "put under." That alone scares the CRAP right out of me. Wait, until I tell my parents. I can see my mom now...She'll be nervous for me. It's good though, I guess. I don't want crowding in the future. The whole procedure will only take 30 minutes. She said, no contacts! (OH GREAT!) No eating for 8 hours before you come in. (Wonderful!) Short sleeve shirt (so the prev- can have easy access, GROSS!) and to have a ride home. (Right, like I'm going to drive after having my gums cut and teeth yanked out.) Anyway, at least the appointment is set in stone. You have to pray for me. This will be a drastic time for me.


Just Breathe~

I have another day off. It's sure is nice to have some free time. The kids and I, are going to take a walk around the block. It's kind of nice out there. Fresh air always does good. Brevy, wants to ride his bike. Tonight we're going to our Pastor's house for dinner. He invites the whole church to eat with him at his house. I can't wait! Their going to have day care for the kids. They're going to have a pizza party. The kids are excited! I told them a little while ago and Meesa said, "YAAAAAY, CHURCH! I CAN SEE MY FRIENDS!" Poor thing. She misses her friends. Only thing is Aiy doesn't want to stay with them in the day care. She's so timid. She's not going to be with us until afterward which will be around 9pm; By then it will be bed time. Oh well, that was her choice. She's selling girl scout cookies again. I love this time of year. This time I'm getting 10 boxes of the peanut butter kind, those are my favorite. Today, is a good day to lounge. We got some things done around the house, but there's nothing really to do. When the kids get up from nap they're going to eat a snack, work on their numbers (because they are forgetting them), and get ready for tonight. Nothing major going on other than that.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 

My Daily Wish



My poor aching head...

Last night I had the worst migraine ever and I scrambled to find my headache medication and was out. OUT??!!! How could that be? Ugh! I called the pharmacy and got a refill that wouldn't be ready for two days. Wonderful! I checked every hand bag I own, every cabinet, every where! What an awful feeling that is! So, I took some Tylenol and when Charles came home he made me take one of his migraine meds. Which he knows I don't like doing. Grrr...But I did it anyway, because I was desperate. It did take it away, but I was so sleepy. I was falling asleep at 7pm. Lillian and I, were on the bed with the news on or something and I fell asleep. Every time I fell asleep I heard one of the kids bang something or scream and it woke me up. Grrrr!!! We ate dinner together and by then I had a hot bath and was feeling a lot better. Charles, read to the kids and I joined them only to fall asleep on Brevy's bed as he read. We headed back to our room to find Lilly completely on my side of the bed and enjoyed her. I was starving and had some cake. (I ate a ton of food last night. LOL.) After cake we went to sleep...That was at 9pm, I think? Or maybe 8:30pm, can't remember. I was completely exhausted. Charles, was happy to go to sleep early, he never gets enough sleep. I hope I don't get another migraine today. I have to work tonight. Ugh. Wish me luck!?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 

The Best $15 I have spent...

Today I started my Bible study class. It's a two hour course once a week at my church. I bought the book today that goes along with the DVD we'll be watching. It's called, "Living Beyond Yourself" by Beth Moore. It's about exploring the fruit of the spirit. We got into it the second hour of the course and it's already starting to get good. We have to complete 5 lessons each probably taking about 35-45 minutes due next Tuesday. I'm excited! The kids went to day care and completed a project. When I went to pick them up they had received stickers for being good. Wow! We put their art projects on the refrigerator, as we always do. The kids were happy and had a lot of questions for me as to why I was at church on a weekday. They're really "quick" these kids. So I explained to them that I am taking a class to learn more about our Lord Jesus and have homework to do afterwards. Hehe... Right now they are taking their nap and I'm going to get started. I just haven't blogged in a while and wanted to come on and tell the whole world how I'm doing these days.

Sunday, was great! It couldn't have been a better day. We went to church in the morning and for once we didn't have to rush. Aiy was going to be sleeping over at a friends house and wouldn't be coming over. After church we got some breakfast sandwiches and headed home. Shortly after Grandma came to watch the kids and Charles and I, quickly left. We headed to eat at P.F Changs, like we planned. We ate well and had good conversation. Then, it was off to the mall to watch Tristan and Isolde. First we'd do some shopping. I picked up a really cute white jacket with fur on the hood and some basic shirts. We watched the movie in the mall so it was really convenient. We sat down to what was a fully packed theater with children all around. The movie starts and I'm looking around at all the kids. I thought it was strange to see so many kids in the movie that we were about to watch. I looked at Charles and said, "Aren't there a lot of kids in here? That's weird! Are we in the right movie?" He thought it was weird too and went to go check the sign. It turns out we were in Narnia. I knew it! We were laughing so hard. We scrambled to get our things and head to the right movie this time. LOL. It turned out to be a really good movie, if you like those type of Mid-evil movies...Go see it! When I am still thinking about the movie the next day, I know it's good. The good movies seem to stick with you. So, besides that I've just been working. Nothing exciting, same thing at work. I'm doing well with my numbers so that's good. I'm way above company! I'm not too worried there.

I'm just going to be focusing on exploring the fruit of the spirit and learning a lot these next 11 weeks. It's the best $15 I've spent!

Saturday, January 14, 2006 


I can't wait for Sunday. Sunday, I don't have to work and Charles and I, are going on a date. YAY!!!! It's much needed. I can't wait to eat at P. F. Changs...My favorite place, eva! Then, we're going to catch a movie...Either "Tristan and Isolde" (which I want to see) or "Glory Road" (which baby wants to see.) He agreed to watch my movie, but now I kind of want to see his movie. LOL. So, I guess we'll figure it out and just have a good time. It's been forever since we had a day alone, I won't know how to act. We haven't spent time alone since the Christmas party together. I'm excited!!!!

Today, there's work though. I work until Midnight. Baby went in this morning at his second job and gets home around 1pm. I go to work at 3:30pm. Ugh. I'll be glad next week, I'm actually off.

I was getting rid of more boxes yesterday. We have a few left stacked neatly in the garage. I was putting some books away and just trying to straighten things. We got rid of like 7 boxes yesterday. It looks much better in the garage now. I cleaned out the car yesterday as well. It took me an HOUR, an hour just to clean a car? That was one DIRTY and GROSS car! I new it was messy, but when I went to get Brevy out of his car seat, I took a look at the floor right under him. He had crushed crackers everywhere, spilled juice marks; I mean NASTY! Don't ya know he got in that car and took all his junk out, his papers he had thrown on the floor, everything. I told him, he made the mess now he has to clean it. The vacuuming took forever. I'm posting a sign that says, "No Food! No Drink!" in the mini van. It's ridiculous! They think they don't have to clean up after themselves. I have news for them! They are old enough to do so. Ugh! The car looks brand new now and it's going to stay like that. I'm not riding around in a dirty, disgusting, van. Ew! So, I got a lot accomplished yesterday. Then, my mother in law came over by surprise to see the kids. It was weird, because we were just talking about her. I told Brevy that he should tell his Grandma that he actually ate an enchiladas and that she'd be so proud. He answered with, "well give me the phone!" Two seconds later the door bell rings and it's Grandma! Wow! Talk about good timing!

Lilly had a doctor's appointment yesterday. She got a booster shot and a shot for her ears. She did well! I asked the vet some questions about alternatives to de-clawing. I knew de-clawing sounded cruel, but when I googled it yesterday to read up on what they actually do...It was not something I was going to do to Lilly. That's awful! Can you imagine de-clawing you? No! So, I've been training her. She likes to jump up on the table and tear up and down our new curtains. The vet said to put double sided tape on the curtains and she won't do it anymore. Can you imagine? I guess I have to try something if I want my curtains to last. They're so pretty, too. Ugh! So, we're working on it. She's such a sweet and playful kitty. She'll learn!

Brevy, was good yesterday. Actually good all day. Maybe it was because we woke him up at 6am, but he behaved all day. I was so surprised. This morning he didn't slam his door after going to the bathroom. Maybe he's starting to actually get it. Maybe he's sick of Meesa getting all his toys when he's naughty. I think it's finally working. Yessssssssssssssssssssss!


Thursday, January 12, 2006 


Can't sleep. Cat is buggin'. Brevy is buggin'. People callin', not leaving messages early in the morning are buggin' and I'm not too happy about any of it. At least I have somewhere to complain about it all. :) Good news is, I'm not working today. I woke up thinking about what I was going to wear to work. Then, I thought about it and was relieved that today is Thursday. No Aiyana yesterday or today. She's sick and not feeling well. Apparently, we're not having her on Sunday, either. So, we don't get to see her all week. Someone is always getting sick these days. Especially, with the flu going around. I hope we all stay sick free and that Aiy gets better soon. I woke Bones up just a while ago. She can't sleep if I can't sleep. :-P~ She's happily playing with Lilly. My plans for the day are not to plan too much. I'm making enchiladas and that's about it. Baby has basketball tonight so I won't see much of him. I have Sunday off this week, along with Tuesday and of course Thursday of next week. We're going to try to do something together on Sunday with out the kids. Brevy, these days is a trip. He needs to be in school. I'm ready to hand in his paper work, but Charles wants me to wait until the flu passes. Once he gets in kindergarten I think he's going to have a real rough time adjusting, because he hasn't had much experience in a school setting. I really would like to get him in something now so he knows what to expect. It's still my worst nightmare; the kids going to a NM school. It's not what I wanted for them. At least they're getting a feel of it at Sunday school, I guess. It's way too early to be up and blogging. :-P~

Wednesday, January 11, 2006 


Tuesday, January 10, 2006 


I talked to my mom today. She's doing well. She's been painting like crazy. She makes me these note pads filled with pretty detail all in acrylic paint. Boy, would I love to start painting again! What's stopping me? Nothing really! I should start again. I really enjoy it, as does my mom. I'm glad she's doing something she loves. She should open her own little shop. She makes amazing paintings. She thinks she's no good and when I look at her work, I am in awe. I have them all around my house in frames. I think I should pick up some more paint and start again. Who knows, it may even turn out to look like something. LOL. Dad is good, he's back to teasing her work. Poor thing, she lives with TWO men. Ugh! How that would make my hair stand up 24/7. Uncle Frank is well. I'm glad! Thanks everyone for all your prayers for him. Prayer is very powerful.

Kids are down for a nap and I pretty much have some free time. I'm a little sluggish today. I was up so early yesterday morning. I got so much accomplished though, so that's good. Today, I got up late and Meesa and I, finished our Frito Pies just a while ago. Yummy! I'm so glad I know about them now. If you would have mentioned 'Frito Pie' to me when I was living in NY, I would have been like, "HUH?"

Work was slow last night. I really didn't want to be there. I didn't VTO despite all the messages I got on my computer saying, "VTO THRU #..." STILL MORE VTO'S THRU#..." I tried to ignore them. I always notice how they send messages right in the middle of when your taking a credit card number, wonderful! Ugh! Anyway, tonight I'll probably stick it out as well. It's only four hours, I guess I really can't complain. I hope it picks up for Valentine's Day. Wishful thinking!

I have yet to figure out what to get my Dad for his birthday. It's January 25th and approaching fast. Mom told me that he was wearing his fleece I got him for Christmas and she said he actually looked cute. LOL. She was saying how it's been so long since she's seen him in something new. She had her eye on him to say the least. LOL. Imagine that! Or not... Anyway, so I was thinking about maybe a cologne. How he loves to smell good. I'll come up with something. For my birthday all I want is to be with my family. I don't want to have to go to work. I'll be requesting that day off, for sure. Hopefully we can go to dinner. Every birthday seems to get better and better as the years pass by. :)~
I guess that's it for today. I should be enjoying something relaxing while I have the chance. There's a good book I have to finish reading. I'll start there! :)


Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. ~James 1: 2-3

Monday, January 09, 2006 

Nothing Is Going On...

Work, work, work is all I've been up to. Nothing fun! I did get to go to the mall and pick up some new jeans. Besides that excitement, we went to church. I'm always happy about going to church. I signed up for my Tuesday Bible study, too. Nothing else going on here. Brevy, keeps deciding to let the heater slam his door in the morning so he wakes me up. So not cool! So, I was up really early this morning and probably won't make it through work tonight because of it. The more I tell him not to do it, the more he does it. I think this morning I beat him at his own game...I bet ya tomorrow he doesn't wake me up. I'll let you know his consequence tomorrow...hehe. I have a few bag of tricks myself.

Anyway, Lilly is getting cuter and cuter by the day. She's not as boney as she was when we first got her. She's getting some meat on her bones now. She's really active and loves to chase us up and down the stairs. She's a tad bit on the spoiled side. LOL. Mom says, "Why have a cat if your not going to spoil it!" I agree!

Speaking about Mom...I haven't talked to her in a couple of days...I've been so busy at work, I don't have time to do anything else. I remember saying I was going to take down the Christmas decorations...I still have to do the outside. Ugh! So much for trying to accomplish things. :-P~
I hope to get it done today...Hope! Something everyone should have. :) hehe...That's it for now...Unless I can find some other exciting things to blog about then I'll continue... ;-p~

Friday, January 06, 2006 

What's Going On...?

Today is a day of "cleaning up." Meaning, taking all the Christmas stuff down...This will take me all day. I guess between the outside and inside I put a TON of Christmas stuff up and all around. Taking it down won't be as much fun. I have party stuff to take down, too. I already started on both. At least I'll be occupied all day and won't have to think much about yesterday afternoon. Last night we went out to eat just to get out of the house. It was a good thing, too. I felt a lot better. We went to Red Robin, our "kid-friendly" place to eat. We all ate really well, too. Then, we got some movies at Hastings. I also picked up my favorite calendar in the world...What else, but Thomas Kinkade! Love it! I also got a book mark for my bible. :) We picked up four movies to watch as well. I needed something to make me laugh and I knew George Lopez's, "Why you Cryin?" would do it! Baby and I, laughed our butts off. :)

Bible study classes are going to be starting soon. I can't wait to join!! I'm going to buckle down and get all the things I've been trying to get done, actually done this week. That should be interesting all in itself. :-P

I talked to my Mom yesterday. They got some heavy snow. I guess my Dad was trying to shovel while it was drizzling on top of the snow and hurt his back. Why are men so stubborn? Ugh! Now he's got a cold in his back and not feeling that great. Mom tried to warn him. Other than that they are all well. I guess Uncle Frank has a doctor's appointment today and he actually wants my mom to go with him. That's good! Maybe she can get some answers. I hope his driving is okay...With the snow being present and all.

That's about it for now. I have to go get some stuff done. Oops! ;-P~


Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. ~Philippians 4:5


Chaos! Yesterday afternoon was complete chaos! I knew it was going to go down. Sure enough, it did. What an awful afternoon! :(

Thursday, January 05, 2006 

GOOD GIFTS!!!! :):):):)


Aiy's Birthday

Charles, got home and we quickly left the house to get the balloons, cake, and other last minute party items while Grandma watched the kids. When we got back Grandpa was also there. Then, it was off to get the pizza while I stayed to pass out plates and get ready for pizza. Yummy! Right before Daddy got back Aiyana came. By then Brevy and Bones were racing around the house with the balloons and Bones hit her head on the sofa. I knew it was going to happen, but they wouldn't listen. They settled down some after that. Daddy, came home with four pizza's and we sat down to eat. Brevy, said grace really loudly and again stole the show. After pizza the kids were energized and decided to attack me. What did I do? Ugh! So, this went on for some time. We tickled and giggled until we were all tired. Then, it was cake time. Like they needed something else to get them more hyper! It was really good cake, too. I had two pieces! I'm a piggy! Aiyana, got some really cool clay for her birthday from her uncle so we broke that open and all decided to make something. They kept them busy for a long time. Meanwhile, the guys watched the football game. That's when Brevy decided to beat up Uncle Rod. He's so naughty I'm telling you! I walked into the living room and saw him hit his uncle in the face. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS KID THINKING? I yelled at him, but that's besides the point. Next his uncle was showing him how to arm wrestle. Boys are so weird! He should have taught Brevy the difference between football and basketball. Brevy, calls everything "basketball." He's such a girl! Anyway, everyone left at 10pm! 10pm!!! Wow, that's the longest they've ever stayed for a party. They were all having so much fun! By the time we got the kids in bed it was close to 10:30pm and Aiy seemed uneasy to go to bed. Five minutes later she comes down the stairs and started crying saying, "this is the best birthday I've ever had!" Which made me then tear up. After cuddles we tried tucking her back in, only for her to come out again. This went on and on until a good 2 am, She watched t.v for a little while longer, that didn't work. She was in her room and came out, because she said she couldn't fall asleep. Then, it was bad dreams. Then it was the cat was bothering her. I was exhausted and Charles and I, started to get "stern" with her and told her to go to sleep. I put the cat in the bathroom and attempted to go to sleep. That thankfully was the last time she got up. Brevy and Bones, never get up when they are sleeping. This is something I have never had to deal with. Only with Aiyana that is. She was awful! I think it's because she's on vacation from school and is used to staying up late at her house. Not going to happen in this house. I thought the 10:30pm was late enough. Usually they are in bed way earlier than that!!! Ugh! So, I'm tired from the busy night. The kids on the other hand have a TON of energy and are now playing with the cat. I hope I have enough energy to keep up today...Wish me luck!


Mr. Wild one. This lil guy tried stealing the show at Aiy's party. He does this anywhere there is people to watch him be silly. Naughty guy!


Cake time!


Make A Wish.


Meesa with a candle.


Aiyana and her "Bratz" cake!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 

Happy Birthday, Aiyana!!!

Today is Aiyana's birthday, she'll be eight years old tonight. Charles, cleaned up the house yesterday so I didn't have to. We're going to have a party at 6:30pm for her. I'm going to decorate this morning and by the time he comes home we're going to go pick up her cake and balloons that we ordered. She's having a "Bratz" party theme. When I checked the trade book to see if anyone picked up my shift for Wednesday, I saw that I got the day off. Thank the Lord! I didn't want to have to call in with it being a new job and all. That was a nice surprise!!! :)So, now that all that is taken care of I get to feel at ease.

This morning I couldn't go back to sleep. I woke up before the alarm went off. Not cool! I couldn't fall back to sleep for absolutely nothing. When I finally was feeling sleepy the phone rang. Baby said he turned off all the ringers last night and obviously NOT! When I let baby know his answer was, "Well, it's a good thing you don't work tonight!" Real sensitive man, isn't he?! GRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! So, I'm on the cranky side. Hopefully when I finish decorating the house and put the kids down for a nap, I can sleep too. We'll see, I guess!!

Sunday, January 01, 2006 

Goodbye 2005

I think 2005 had a lot of challenging times for us. One really great day that I will never forget would be the day I got married. That was a really special time. I got Baptized and started a really good job as well in 2005. Everything wasn't easy, but we got through it. A lot of things with Aiyana's mother were really challenging to deal with. It seems she tries the hardest to through a wrench in everything while not thinking of Aiyana. Though this year probably won't be much different. I have to look to my Lord and Savior for help with coping. She's already started this year with trying to keep Aiyana away from us for Aiy's birthday. She clearly isn't thinking of Aiy. Last year we started a thing where we're going to through her our own party at our house. I think that bothers her and she's trying to have Aiy the whole day. At first this bothered me. Now I'm not worried about it. I'm focusing on giving Aiyana the best day I possibly can. It's her day to shine and no one else's. I'm excited to help pick out some party favors of her favorite character for the special day. It should be a lot of fun! Now that 2006 is here, I'm sure it will hold a year of exciting things. I'm happy that we're all healthy and have a roof over our head. It seems we (American people) have forgotten how lucky we really are and how good we really do have it. I brought in the New Year at work. I like to celebrate NY's New Year. I was supposed to get off of work at 10pm and 15 minutes before that I got a call. I was on the phone until 10:15pm. It was along call and I was the last one out of the building other than our security. I was unhappy, because I felt that I missed everything. I missed watching it with Charles and calling my mom at 10:01pm my time, 12:01am her time. I still called her on the ride home. She said she told Frank that "Hillary's going to call me, ya know!" Just then the phone rang and it WAS me. Wow! She's good. I still got to talk to her even though I wasn't around to watch the East Coast ball drop at the same time she did. I would see it on tape delay 2 hours later. Charles and I, got home and put the kids to bed. We surfed the channels for a quick movie to watch until it was time. We ate yummy fried chicken at 10:30pm and waited for our New Year. We had a glass of Pepsi and a handful of confetti and waited to see that beautiful ball drop in Time Square. We sealed it with a kiss and made the living quite decorative with all the pretty, shiny colors of confetti. I even threw some on Lillian. She thought it was cool! Brevy and Bones, were snoring away and I think they hadn't a care in the world. We watched fireworks go off outside our house. Our lovely neighbors decided on giving us something to look at. I was grateful for getting home safely. That's what I thought about when I was watching the fireworks. At church today I was also surprised to see so many empty chairs. Charles, was saying now that it's not the Christmas season we won't see many people again until Easter. It kind of saddened me. You can count on me being there. I love our Pastor! I love being there! We talked about, "What is it today that robs you of joy?" He's asked us this for weeks now. This week he answered it. It's the lie of the world that life is supposed to be perfect. That's what robs us of our joy!

Be faithful in worship.

There is glory in His path.

Be faithful in giving.

There is glory in His protection.

Be faithful in obedience.

There is glory in His prosperity.

Be faithful in Service.

There is glory in His purpose.

Happy New Year! 2006

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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