Welcome to my blog! My life isn't that interesting, but I like to make note of it anyway. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you don't comment, it's like you don't exist. Sign my guest book and leave your mark! Come back soon!!:):):):).

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

Friday, June 30, 2006 

Wouldn't it be nice....?

SEE YA!!!! Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

It would be so much easier with a new car (I know, nothing is new for forever and be grateful for what ya have). We still don't have our mini van back. We got a call saying that they're done working on it, now it's time to pay up. Pray for us. I still want a Navigator. :(


Upcoming Stuff

OHMYGOODNESS, Only 19 more days until Brevy's Birthday. He wants a party at Chuck E. Cheese. He actually has a friends now, so he wants all his church buddies to be there, too. He hasn't picked out a theme yet. I offered to order him the "cars" theme. It's such a cute movie. He's still thinking about it, I guess. We need to take him to a party store and figure it out quickly. I'm just glad I don't have to scrub down the house and invite everyone here. Amen! :) I can't believe he's going to be five years old. I finally got his birthday off at work...It took me about two months, but they finally gave it to me. It's not like I would have went in anyway.

They have me working on the 4th of July, too. I thought about it and I'll go for an hour and that's about it. Maybe they'll VTO since no one is going to be calling on the 4th. Ugh. There's a lot of people mad about working the holiday. They were all in a rant and standing in line to complain about it when I left on Wednesday night. They should be closed, people have families and would like to spend the holiday with them. GRRR. One more month and I have a clean slate there. I don't know if I'll make it with all the up coming events like birthdays, and such. Plus, I have a new "supervisor." I hate change, but there's nothing I can do about it. We'll just pray about it and it will all work out.

Sunday we're going to attempt to go swimming and that's if the car doesn't break down, the winds don't kick up, and it doesn't rain. It seems we've entered monsoon season. Hopefully, we'll get our chance to go swimming this week. I think Charles' leg is ready, especially since he was playing soccer with the kids two days in a row. He'll be just fine. :) We got to talk to Aiyana last night. She sounded tired. We passed the phone around and I ran up and down the stairs at her request to talk to the kids. They were already tucked into bed, but didn't mind getting up to talk to their sister. She left this morning and we're just wishing her a safe trip.

Well, I do believe I have been disciplined enough about blogging everyday... I think I'm doing a pretty good job. Keep reading. :)


Happy Birthday, Uncle Frank~!!! :)

Thursday, June 29, 2006 

Aiy's Leaving

Yesterday Aiyana called and wanted to come spend the day with us. I told her to come on over and she did. She's going to Washington on Friday and we're still unclear of when she's coming back. We think it's going to be about 2 weeks or less. Every time I ask her, she changes the date. Her mother hasn't told us anything either, but we'll miss her none-the-less. They played soccer again last night after they dropped me off at work. Work was odd without Andrea there. Oh well, I did okay. Charles, took the kids to Build-A-Bear after soccer. We promised her before she left to Washington, that we'd get her one. Brevy and Bones, got accessories for the bears they already have. Colette and Jen, will be so proud! :) It rained again yesterday. Monsoon season has arrived, I do believe. Good news for us!

I thought about Marisa all day yesterday. It was her first day at boot camp. YIKES! We're so proud of her and miss her already. With Aiyana, leaving it will be more weird. At least she comes back soon. I like a full house, even though it's so hectic with all of everyone over. I wouldn't want it any other way. :)

I'm listening to Joel Osteen again this morning, because I need it. I need it everyday. Want to listen, too? There's a link, just click it and plan to have a great day. :)


It Rained....

FINALLY! We got rain and boy did we get it. Tuesday night I was off and after Charles, got home and we ate some dinner, we took the kids to the park. We played soccer and I couldn't even keep up with either one of my kids (but we're not going there!) After soccer and a worn out *me*...We headed to get some movies and then to Walmart. The sky darkened and it looked like it was going to rain. Charles said, "no it won't!" We headed to Walmart to pick up some groceries and while standing in line, there was a lot of over head noise. I looked at Charles and looked outside and it looked like snow coming down. EVERYONE was so excited and talking about it. People were running to the front doors to watch the hail and rain come down. We saw employees that were on break take off and run outside to see it. It was crazy. We started laughing. It's the weirdest thing when you live in a desert, people are EXCITED about rain. EXCITED!! Can you imagine? Oh yes, I was. We never see it. I see it on the news once in awhile. It will rain in the mountains, but it never touches ground and here we were in Walmart and everyone running to the front door to witness such a site. Thunder and lighting and a ton of rain/hail. As we paid and headed towards the front door, we stopped as well. We were going to figure out how to get out of Walmart...By now cars were honking and pulling up to the door so their families wouldn't get wet. People started to get a little crazy and were cursing at each other, because this one lady was standing in the way of the car. Honking like you wouldn't believe. I thought I was back in New York. Craziness. It's just rain, people! We needed it, all the fires we've been having and drought. This won't get us out of a ten year drought, but it will sure help. We'll take it gladly. So, on with my story...We stood there and watched. There's no way we could run out in that and not get drenched. Charles, talked to his cousin who was also at Walmart with his little, cute, chubby son. :) We watched it calm down a bit and decided we could make a run for it, because we were parked close enough. We did and reached the car only to find that our feet went under about 5 inches of water. Sneakers were soaked, socks, you got it. We were screaming and laughing all the way. I was carrying bones, because she's slow and we were already wet enough. We piled in on the drivers side all wet, but happy. It was really cold outside too. It was fun. I haven't seen that kind of rain since NY. We came home and the kids got into the "fall" pj's. We accidentally left the AC on and it was freezing in our house. LOL. We ate muffins with tea and pretended it was fall outside. We're such dorks, I know... But it was fun! :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 

A series of stuff...

We found out last night that our supervisor is leaving. We're finally at the number five ranking and she's leaving us. She said it's because she never sees her kids anymore and it's getting to them and her (which I totally understand!) She had tears flowing down her cheeks and of course I soon went after her with all the water works. Sucks. I learned a lot of good selling tips from her too. Now our team will be after by the guy that ended up interviewing me. He's cool, but a little too talkative. LOL. This should be interesting. A lot of people were sad last night. The newer people could care less. I left early last night around 9:50pm. It actually rained and stormed right after I got to work. The kids and Charles brought me, because I'm scared of G'ma's van. I drove it today to go to Bible Study though. It was okay...Someone stopped in the middle of the road and it was a good thing I was paying attention. Anyone else probably would have hit them. Ugh, people.

Bible Study was good. I saw Pastor on the way in and he stopped to talk to us. He really likes kids. He told Brevy and Bones, that he wished he could go play and read the bible rather than do office work. LOL. He kids giggled and agreed how fun that would be. They helped me bring in snack for our class of about 30 + ladies. We had a lot of food and brought most of it back home. The kids didn't mind eating it up though. LOL.

Marisa, was sworn in today. They had a ceremony and Charles, was able to attend. Afterwards they got on the plane and we won't see her again until August. Wow. She's off to the Navy and there's no turning back. It will more than likely be a life changing event for her. It will teach her to speak up for herself and learn to make some decisions, both which she needs help in. I know she'll do great things and she'll be happy, too.

As for me, today is my day off. Can you believe that? I actually get a day off in the week. YAY! I'm so siked that I'll be home to eat dinner with the kids (which we do actually do everyday), but also get to hang out with them tonight. We haven't figured out what to do yet. We're having "NY-like" weather. The sun is out, but there's a very cool breeze and it's so refreshing. The kids mentioned the park tonight. If Dad is up for it, I sure am. That would be nice...Anything would really, as long as we're altogether.

The car people called and our mini van doesn't look so good. I guess it's in really bad shape. There's a list of stuff wrong with it and it's going to cost two arms, two legs, and a bunch of toes to fix. Ugh...Here we go again. It looks like we'll be using G'mas' van much longer than we anticipated. :-P

Sunday, June 25, 2006 


We were on our way to get Aiyana this morning and make our way to church, like we do every Sunday...When a little ways from our house the mini van just shut off. It slowed down as we went up a small hill and we turned off onto a near by side street. Only to find that our car would not start again. We were stranded! All the red lights on the dash came on and I knew that was a bad sign. I just drove it home from work the night before. Everything seemed fine in the dust storm that I had to go through just to get to work. What's wrong with it now? --I thought. Ugh! There's always something! We sat and thought of what to do being that it's a Sunday, everything is closed. We called Gpa, no answer. We called the insurance people...Didn't get very far. We called Bob and then G'pa again. We texted Risa, nothing. I called Aiy to let her know that we in fact wouldn't be on our way. Her mom called back and offered us a ride that we declined, because we thought Risa was on her way. We ended up waiting two and a half hours for her. Good thing it was a nice day with a breeze. We coped a squat under a tree in a parking lot and waited. What else were we supposed to do? We had no one else. We called Bob again and he would be coming down to bring Grandma's van for us to use, but not until later. April, was supposed to come to town, because they had plans to go to Marisa's party today. When Risa showed up we all piled into her tiny car and went home. I called Aiyana to let her know that she could home over because we finally got home. She showed up about 30 minutes later. Bob, came soon after that and brought us the white van. April and her mom followed. They left April with us and Virg left with April to get on with the rest of their day. I put the kids down for a nap and Charles, went to hunt for some car items in the black car. Aiy and I, were left only to stare at each other and talk about our awful morning. We were thankful that we had Risa to help us. She was/ is our savior. It's just the Devil's work, I told myself all morning. We all sat there waiting as patiently as we could. We had a little chair in the car and gave it to gma. The kids played in the rocks the whole time. It was a pretty exhausting morning. It was also the FIRST time that I had missed church since I started going there in October. I did however use the restroom at a near by church where we were stranded. They offered us to stay, but we thought we were going to get picked up right away. We explained the situation and thanked them anyway. We'll always have a home at church! I think it was a test of our patience, of our appreciation, of our strength. I do believe we passed this test! We'll be doing further work on the car tomorrow morning and getting it all sorted out. There isn't much that we could do with it today, everything is closed. Wish us luck.



Friday, June 23, 2006 


Yesterday, we picked Aiy up from Vacation Bible School and we went swimming. Bones, got a new bathing suit. I accidentally told my mom how hideous her old one was and she called me back and insisted on buying her a new one. Really Mom, I said..."I have money to buy her one, but we don't swim that often." She didn't listen and bought her a new one anyway. So, we went to go show it off. This time it was me and three kids. I thought last time was hard. Ugh. It was fun and much hotter then last time we went. Charles, stopped by again to say,"hi" and brought 30 girls from Jemez following behind him on a bus. AH! So, with all of us, there's was close to 200 people swimming. Brevy, saw his cousins and insisted on chasing "Talley" around. That meant I needed to watch him and where he put his feet, because the bottom of the pool slopes down. Bones, went the other way to follow Aiy. Aiy, went to see which of her cousins where around that she could play with. We spent three whole hours there. I was ready to leave when Charles said, there's about 30 more girls coming. The kids had fun though and I guess I can't complain. Bones, gave us a scare though. She went down the slide by herself. I was putting Brevy on the edge to line up and she decided to go down by herself. Good thing Aiy, got her with some help of a stranger. No more slide for that lil miss. She's so naughty! Scared me to death. Good grief. I won't go there again without Charles. I need an extra pair of hands, these kids are nuts. Now we're a lovely shade of caramel and I think I've had enough sun. I'm off on Sunday and the kids want to go again (so much for the enough sun part!). It will be Charles' first attempt at getting in the water since his surgery (of course showers are ok). This should be fun. After we came home to rest for three hours...We were out of the house again. We met the family at LoneStar for Marisa's "good bye dinner." She was 30 minutes late, but we all talked and laughed until April, Charles, and G'ma started texting her to hurry up. It was a good time. She leaves Tuesday and we won't see her until Graduation. Charles, is having his one on one time with her Monday, which gives them a chance to talk. We have a pile of cards to give her and every time I see her, I forget them. Grrr...Everyone is growing up and moving on. April, is driving now and she's got her first job already. OH MY. It's crazy how time fly's. Vacation Bible Study is over until next year. Next year both of my little ones will be involved. Today they had a little performance. The kids and I, went to see Aiy and the group sing. It was really cute. They also had a play about Jesus. Next will be Brevy off to school...How I'll weep when Brevy, takes his first step into a real school. Goodness. Wouldn't it be nice to just freeze time for a bit?! I'm glad I was able to stay home with them when they were babies and watch them grow. :) Well, I'm exhausted (nothing new)! That's enough for now...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006 

Tired, but still on the go...

We're supposed to go shopping today for food and such. I'm tired (of course) and feel as though I could sleep for forever and wake up still tired. Last night before I had to go to work we got the kids some more puzzles. They've been having "quite time" and loving the whole puzzle scene. We picked out one of the United States, Abc's, an Ariel, and Koala Bear puzzles. I figured that would give Dad some quite time and keep the kids busy as the same time. I came home after work and Lillian lost one of the states and another state has no sticker/no name. LOL. *shakes head* Well, I guess it kept them busy though...All three of them.

Last night at work we had a "group coaching" and it was pretty informative. We got to look at things a little differently and come outside our comfort box with our recommendations. It was pretty fun and a different twist.

Tomorrow we're having a "good bye" dinner for Marisa. We're trying to get the whole family together so we can spend one last meal together. My father-in-law wanted to have it here. I thought..."Oh no that means I have to clean the house from top to bottom...." Mom-in-law, didn't want that either. She said we should go out to eat (same thing I said) and I guess we're still trying to convince Dad about it. Once we find a place, we'll be set. Charles, said steak is her favorite and that shouldn't be hard to find. :) I can't believe she's going into the Navy. WOW! We'll be going to Chicago when she graduates boot camp. Until then I'll be taking lots of pictures of her. :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006 

My exact feeling...

My exact feeling...
Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.


25 going on 85...

Lately, it seems as though I have no energy. I feel tired all the time (and no I'm not pregnant!) Maybe my hematocrit is low...I should probably go to a health store and pick up some iron (ew, gross), but I think I need it. Either that or I'm fine and just aging quickly. Well, that's what it feels like anyway. Ugh. Maybe it's the heat. It has been really hot out lately...Or I'm just old before my time. I don't know, but everyday I have less and less energy, more and more tired. I know I don't get enough sleep...With two kids, it's not ever going to happen. All I know is, I feel like an 85 year old women. :-P

Monday, June 19, 2006 

Happy Father's Day, Baby

Father's Day was a great family day. Boy, we were LONG over due for a family day. Let me back up a bit and talk about Saturday after work. I got off about 11:20pm and wanted to head to walmart to pick up some last few Father's Day stuff. I came home a little after midnight and was exhausted. I put together Charles' present while he was sleeping. There was some Chili's restaurant food waiting for me on the counter. Boy, was I happy to see that, too. I ate and attempted to fall asleep. It was hot...And I probably didn't fall asleep until 2:30 am. We got up early on Father's day and I gathered the kids together so they could take in Charles' gift. I was cranky and tired and walking like I had a bunch to drink (mind you: I don't drink)...LOL....But I was walking like I had...Anyway, He opened everything and we had to rush to get ready for church. We picked Aiyana up and went to church. I had an idea to take the kids back to the pool, I figured that would be a fun Father's day thing to do. Charles, said he had one more week until he went in any kind of water with his post-surgery...So, we scratched that idea. We came home and Aiyana and I, attempted to make breakfast. Aiyana, dropped an eye on the floor and the eye white was dripping from her hand all over the floor. I got out the hash browns and Brevy and Bones, were misbehaving. I was trying to cook and deal with them at the same time and it was working. I was tired and also very cranky, I decided to go out to eat instead. We all jumped in the mini van and headed to Dion's for lunch instead. LOL. It was a lot easier to go then to cook. We had a yummy lunch of good hot pizza and then headed out for our surprise we had for the kids. We were going to take them to see "Cars" the movie. We headed to the mall only to find out that the 1pm showing was sold out ( I told Charles, we should have gotten tickets after church, but he insisted there'd be some...Right!) So, we got tickets for the 3pm showing instead. We walked around the mall and went to Old Navy and the kids got summer hats. We went to Build-a-Bear (now that we know it exists- Thanks Colette and Jen!) We went into Mervy's to see what kind of sandals they had for Brevy. Finally, it was time to go see the movie. It was hilarious! :) Another good movie...It had hidden jokes that only adults would understand and one or two words I didn't approve of (I think they said,"idiot") GRRR!!!! But it was okay. After the late movie we went to Walmart to buy some items for a BBQ. We got out of there and headed home. By then, I felt like a truck had hot me. It was 100 degrees outside, lack of sleep, nosey kids at me all day long with no nap....Ugh. I wanted to help Charles, usually he does all the outdoor cooking. So, I made the patties and tried to clean up the kitchen while he battled the heat outside. The door bell rang and it was Charles' Dad. He came over to eat with us. YAY! He sat with the kids while they were watching "Lady and the Tramp." I had the nerve to turn on the oven and make a Devil's food cake. We ate good though! :) After dinner the Brevy and Aiy, went outside and it was time for her to go home. Bones, forgot to go potty in the potty and I had that to deal with (you Mother's know what I mean....) while the guys played basketball outside. She needed a bath and I wasn't too happy with her. I did get some really cute pictures of Brevy and Charles, playing basketball though. Cuties. We did go to bed early, I think it was before 10pm. I was exhausted and had a headache. It was a really good day though. That was our Father's Day...Busy, Busy, Busy. It was packed with non stop activity. I was so glad to be at home and not at work. It was my first Sunday off in a long time. Thank you, Jesus! Happy Father's Day, Baby!!!!


Soccer Camp

On Saturday, I took the kids to soccer camp they had for all tribes. The kids had a blast! It was the funniest thing...When all the kids were in a circle the coach went around and asked the kids their names...They got to Brevy and he looked at them and ran to me and started to cry. I was kind of amazed, because he's so outgoing and loves to talk to everyone. I laughed and asked what was the matter. I was sitting right there watching from the side lines. He's so silly. Stranger danger, I guess. He finally warmed up to them and started playing. Bones, went head first right into it. She was playing a game called "pac man." She lined up and kicked the ball to see how far she could kick it. She did everything! Brevy, only did it if I came with him and stood close enough that he could see me. Ugh....Then, he did it. I thought he'd be so into it. He told me he likes basketball better. He had fun, but thinks he can only play one sport. I was explaining that he can try all of them and then decide which one he likes better. He thinks because he can dribble a basketball, that he knows how to play. He is really good at it though. LOL. He must get that from his dad. Anyway, so it was about two hours in the hot sun, but it was in the grass so it was worth it. I mean how often do we get to see grass here in NM?! LOL.

Friday, June 16, 2006 


Beth Moore is coming to NM~~!!!!!!


Pool Time

Yesterday, I took the kids to the pool. The winds were kicking up on the way there...Isn't that always the way?! Ugh. It was really hot outside so we went anyway. I figured we'd be freezing with the wind. I had the idea yesterday, because Charles is in charge of his recreation program and they've been going swimming a lot...Why not us?! The kids and I, never do anything. During the day time it's too hot to take them anywhere and in the evening when the sun goes down, I'm at work. So, it was a perfect time to be outside and be happy about it. We got there and the kids were ready to just jump right in. I, on the other hand didn't want to get it in, the water was ice cold. We tried the other side of the "kiddy area" and it was much warmer. We sat there and played in the water fall, then the kids wanted to go down the water slide. Oh great, I thought...There's only one of me and two of them. They can't swim so I'd have to catch them. The lifeguards and I had a really good system going though. Other kids lined up and I waited until my guys were up, then he gave me a little heads up. I went on the other side of the rope and was ready to catch them. It took Brevy forever to come down the long slide, Bones on the other hand shot down like lightening. They must have went down the slide, 40 times over. My shoulders are swore from lifting them up onto the edge of the pool so, they could line up and do it again. It was fun. I packed a lunch for us and we sat there in the wind and ate it. Charles, was in the area and stopped by to see us. We had a good time, it's something we need to do more often. It's so cheap to get in and you could stay there all day if you really wanted to. :) Here's to us...A day in the sun.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 

Work is actually working. Things are finally dying down...Oh thank God. It's been crazy there lately. I should just pitch a tent up and camp out there, it's like I live there anyway. The sad thing is they do have a room you can rest in. Ugh. They're back to VTO-ing. YAY! I've left both Monday and tonight with my aos of +40 over company and that's extremely hard to do with all of the sales going on right now. There's like nothing left of the sales either. We still have those people who call and give the same ole tired lines, "I just got the catalog yesterday. What do you mean there's no sizes in any colors left?" HELLO...It's while supplies last and it's stated all over the darn magazine, too. People just get on my nerves...All that aside though...I'm glad to catch a break. I'll take it while I can. It doesn't look like I'm getting the 4th of July off. I was looking into requesting days off and it's a blocked day with an extra message written on it that states, "we may get added hours." Are you kidding me? Good luck trying to get someone to cover. I refuse! LOL. I was denied Brevy's Bday and yesterday I got a memo saying it's approved. Go figure, but I'll take it. So, I have almost everyone's bday off so far. It's been such a hard couple of weeks. My body feels like it's 99 years old. I don't know if I'm coming or going these days. *shakes head* I think it's the heat mixed with this "I don't wanna go to work" mentality...I know, I know...I should be thinking more positively. The days have been dragging. I'm sure glad to have Thursday off. It will be much needed, now only if the kids let me sleep in...That would be perfect. Bible Study is moving along greatly. I've met some really nice ladies that I have so much in common with. Like Joshua's mom...We both love Thomas Kinkade. She's into Scrapbooking and I've been dying to learn. We have the same parenting style and the same rules apply in the homes. Plus, Bible study itself. It's great. I just laugh, because when I hear her talk, she sounds like me. There's such good that comes out of the class. Exciting stuff!!! Well, that's enough for now...I can't believe I had the time to blog twice in one day. See, progress! :)


Everything bad happens when I'm away...

The kids are on this kick where they complain when I have to go to work...Whether they mean it or not, they never want me to go. My son especially has been extremely trying at times. He never stays in his room at night time when Charles, is here taking care of them. He'll come out of his room on his "free potty pass" and take full advantage. When Mommy is home, this does not go on. He'll come out several times just because he thinks/knows he can. My things have come in jeopardy with his "free pass out." Mind you Charles, doesn't let him, he yells at him and makes him go lay back down. Last night I came home an hour early and found when I was pulling into the driveway Brevy's light was on. Charles, had a small car in his hand and met me at the door. I asked him what was going on and he held up the little car. I went up stairs and had a talk with Brevy. Maybe he wants attention. Maybe he wants me to stay home. I don't know, but I fought so hard when they were babies to lay them down awake so they fall asleep on their own. We've never had "night time problems," until now that I work nights. Charles, was in our room putting up a ceiling fan last night while the kids watched a movie. I'm assuming while he did this Brevy, went into the kitchen and broke off a piece of my plant. He knows how I fell about him touching my plants, yet he deliberately did it anyway. This morning when we woke up to go to Bible Study he looked right at my face and lied to me. He told me he didn't go in Bones' room and Bones told me he did. She doesn't lie and he went in time out early this morning. Then, after getting home from Walmart I found the plant he had broken off. It's always my things that are in jeopardy. Yesterday, I found little blue soap circles (that my mom got them for bath time) all in my garden tub and on the floor, like someone had dumped them out. I asked Brevy and before I could get the sentence out of my mouth...Bones told on him. What gives? So, last night I call myself playing it safe and I locked my bedroom door so he couldn't get into the master bath...Ugh! It's all this "little" stuff, but it's the lying and he's getting to the age to understand what happens when you lie. It's so not okay with me. Today, has been a great challenge, it's one thing after another. *sigh* Is this his way of crying out and letting me know he doesn't want me at work? Probably! He doesn't act like that when I'm home at night time. He goes to bed and doesn't come out, everything is fine. I've talked to him about why I have to work. It's still not getting through to him. He's gotten his trucks taken away, he's sat in time out. Ugh. *Shakes head* Something always happens to my stuff the next day. I've talked to Charles about it and I let him know that he needs to watch him better. He plays with them outside and that's great. It's a great way to get rid of that energy. But when he's up stairs working, he has no idea what the kids are doing down stairs. Ugh. It's Just frustrating is all and I needed to vent. I've already prayed about it...What more can I do!

Saturday, June 10, 2006 

I'm working both Saturday and Sunday, again. They are killing me!!!! LOL. So much for family day, Sundays. Also, there's the Breast Cancer Walk that I was planning on walking...grrr....I can't do everything. What are these people thinking? Ugh. :-P

Friday, June 09, 2006 

Fun day

Yesterday, was Aiyana's last day of basketball camp. She had a lot of fun and we stayed to watch her the entire time. They played knock out and Aiyana and one other girl were the smallest girls on their team so she came to play with the kids. They had fun in the middle of the court where no one was playing. Brevy, was dribbling the ball and he's getting good at it, too. Bones, was attempting to dribble and she got better while we were there. It was so funny watching them go up and down with the basketballs. They were cute! They kept running into each other and laughing. Aiy, kept stealing the ball from Bones and she laughed and laughed. Aiyana, decided that she wanted to stay with us for the rest of the day. We were going to have water play so she spent the entire day with us. We went to Joshua's house and played and played. Needless to say that they got us wet, too. It was a over cast day and not as hot as other days we've been having. It was fun, though. We even got some "rain" (okay like sprinkles) later on that evening, which was nice. I kept saying, "look there's 14 rain drops on the window." It was pretty exciting to see rain. LOL. We had movie night after daddy came home. We picked up a pizza and ate good. We figured out the last time we ordered was for Aiyana's bday in January. Wow...That's a long time to go with out any pizza hut. LOL. It was a good night. We waited, "Dumbo" together and then Aiy had to go home. We took a walk in the "rain" when he got home, it was very refreshing! :) Here's to a good day!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006 

Busy Day

Yesterday, I woke up to a mess. I worked both Saturday and Sunday 8 hour shifts. Charles, hasn't been feeling good. His knee is healing, but he felt like he had the flu the last couple of days. So, lots of stuff piled up. I tried to clean the house as much as I could. We got a lot done, but it was also the last day for Jen and Colette, to be in town. Jen, called and we were supposed to take the kids to Chuck E. Cheese. I thought about it and decided not to go there for a couple of reasons. So, we finally decided to meet them at the mall. Who knows the next time I'd see her again would even be. So, I set aside my silly little list of things to do and went out for a couple of hours. It was fun. We grabbed Hotdog on a Stick and ate for $11.00. :) We walked around and Jen and Colette, got their pictures taken. We looked in a few stores and Jen and Colette, took the kids to Build-a-bear. I didn't even know one existed in the mall...You can tell how often we go there. LOL. It was the coolest thing. They picked out the cutest stuffed animals, too. (picture coming soon.) They were excited and didn't know what to do first. Colette, was trying to hold their attention on what was going to happen and their eyes kept drifting around the place. LOL. They got the hang of it though and got some really cute stuffed animals to end everything with. They sleep with them and even take them in the car. I stopped having them take food and toys in the car when I got stuck cleaning it out some months ago. The stuffed animals are so cute and harmless though so it's been allowed. LOL. I stayed up late last night after work trying to complete my homework for Bible Study. I wasn't successful. I finished four days worth and at 12:30am I stopped, because I could hardly keep my eyes open. This morning for Bible study I was extremely tired. I'm getting so much out of it though. It's a really good class, but most of the information you get out comes from the homework. Hopefully this week I am most successful at completing it. I just don't know where time goes anymore. I haven't been able to get anything done. Better luck this week, I guess.

We're supposed to get some rain tomorrow, I wonder if those girls brought NM some rain...? We'll see tomorrow. Today, it was hot and then the winds kicked up and a storm looks like it's coming. I can't remember the last time we had rain. I think it was when we first moved into the house, some 7 months ago. Good grief! Pray for rain!

Saturday, June 03, 2006 

A Prayer for Today

God, I am incredibly blessed! Thank You for all the wonderful things You have given me. Thank You for having a good plan for my life. I will praise you always. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Added Hours

Added hours at work, doesn't leave much family time. It seems like I live there these days. Jen and Colette, are in town and we were planning on going out on either Sunday or Monday. That only leaves Monday, because I work almost all day on Sunday. I already put my 8 hours in on Saturday so it's going to be a rough week with no time to spend with the family. Grrrrr...Colette and Jen, did end up coming over on Thursday and the kids couldn't get enough of Colette. What a time they had! I was thinking after they left, I should have taken pictures. They were cut jumping all over her and laughing and giggling. Let's just say that they fell asleep quickly that night. Other than that, it's just the same ole thing going on. I'm tired and would have liked to sleep a little longer this morning. Oh well, I guess I can't have everything. We're going to try to attempt to get the guys hair cuts today before I leave to work. They're getting shaggy! Pray for me this weekend, I'll need it. :)

Thursday, June 01, 2006 

Family Fun

Pretty Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

Now wonder why I named my blog this...Today, was a day of just that; family fun. Aiy, slept over last night, even though she didn't want to. She was crying at first when we picked her up, but then she started to let herself have some fun and she was fine. She did great! She slept with Bones and didn't get up once. Of course I was at work, but was happy to see her asleep for the rest of the night. They woke me up early this morning. It all started with Charles, making noise with the door. It went down hill from there, because after that Brevy came out to potty. Then, aiy went to get a drink. Lilly was at the door after that, just one thing after another. I felt head achy, because of my lack of sleep. We had a good day non the less though. We played outside a lot. We blew bubbles, rode bikes, scooters, took a walk, and played and played. The kids had fun chasing each other and laughing up a storm. I got a lot of cleaning done (and no that's not fun), but the kids helped and we did it as a family. Everyone is resting now and I had a few minutes to blog. I miss it, I don't do it as much, because I'm always busy. Talked to Miss. Jennifer. She's busy and we probably won't get together until Monday. They leave Tuesday morning. I just hoped to do something together. Who knows! I know I'll have to work that day, as usual. Well, we'll see what happens, I guess. Tonight is movie night. Charles, gets home late but we're still going to pick a good kids movie and sit and watch it. It's fun, because we bring out the air mattress and set it up in the living room with lots of pillows and blankets. Then, we sit and eat ice cream or something and watch. I love those moments where we're altogether and enjoy one another's company. It doesn't get any better than that. Just happy and at peace! I should go and put my feet up. I'm a little worn out from all the outside activity. I should also mention that I have sun burn on my shoulders for the third time and it's not even summer yet. UGH! I thought once you burned you tan and that's it. That's so NOT true! Oh well. Nice weather, so I can't complain. Have a great day!

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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