Welcome to my blog! My life isn't that interesting, but I like to make note of it anyway. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you don't comment, it's like you don't exist. Sign my guest book and leave your mark! Come back soon!!:):):):).

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

Saturday, October 29, 2005 

Good Eatin' Down Under



This Mountain Lion always wants to eat Meesa every time we're at the Zoo. Last time we were at the zoo, this same cat watched Meesa and paced up and down starring at her. This time around...Meesa, dropped her witch hat and Spanky saw the movement and his eyes widen. Two ladies that knew this cat stood there, talking about him. They noticed his eyes widened and so focused on Meesa. They made comments on how she'd be just a snack for a cat like this. We laughed it off. A beautiful animal, indeed. (I wouldn't want to see one be around this place though.) =-)





We went to Zoo Boo today. The kids and I, got up early. Charles, had already left for work. It was up to me and me only to get these little stinkers ready. Boy, was that a lot of work after working late last night. We took the long ride to the Zoo starting at 9:30am. We got there at 11am. We had to pick up Aiy on the way. Parking was easy, because we got there an hour early. The kids and I, went in and started looking at the animals right away. Brevy, wanted to see the Elephants. Meesa and Aiy, were just happy being there. Along the way they got some candy and goodies. Not much, because people started pouring in and the lines were so long. Candy wasn't something we were willing to wait for. Fun though~! We got to see almost all the animals. We didn't go into Bug World. When we went past it, they were still setting up. We saw a lot of cool costumes. The best one was a walking Sponge Bob. The kids loved it. It was huge! Charles, was able to meet us there around 1pm. We were almost ready to give up looking for him. There were just too many families there. I didn't think we'd find each other. We had the cell phone with us, but it wasn't working. I still didn't figure out what went wrong with it. We didn't need as much as I thought. Even though it was frustrating, I was relieved when I saw him coming. Thank God, I thought. He took over the stroller and we finished looking at the animals together. It was nice! As we were leaving I got to see a really cool Alien (adult). Very cool! We didn't get home until 3:30pm, which makes for a long day. I drove the entire time. I think my hip and knee will be stiff the rest of the day. We came home and had Subway sandwiches and put the kids to bed. They were tired from all the walking. I would like to take a nap too, but I couldn't resist blogging. It's been some time since my last entry due to my CPU fan dying on me. Ugh! I'm glad that's over with. We still have a lot to do though. After the kids get up we're going to get the kids some Halloween shirts for their pictures. I love having time off. I better soak it all up, because I only have the rest of today and tomorrow. Tomorrow, we have a pretty busy schedule as well. We're starting off with a new church. I kind of want to see what else is out there. Ya know, keep an open mind. Then, Sunday school and pictures. We'll be busy little bees. :)~

Saturday, October 22, 2005 

Three more days at work. Yay! I'm still catching hell for leaving them. The male managers don't let me forget, that's for sure. One manager keeps telling me that he ripped up my two week notice and threw it in the trash. He keeps telling me that I'm not leaving them. The other manager is just mean to me whenever I need him. Gosh! I get no love! I'm tired from last night. I got home after midnight. I didn't go to bed until after 1am. Charles, was so sweet. He always has dinner ready for me. He made three separate meals last night. One for the kids, one for himself, and one for me. That's a lot of work, I wouldn't have done that. hehe...Thank God for Baby! Well, more work today. I have to get the kids dressed and ready for the day. I have to eat and get ready for work myself. Ugh! Thursday to Sunday seems endless. I barely get to see Charles, it always feels like we're running around with out our heads. AH! I'll be glad next weekend when I don't work Saturday and Sunday. THAT will be refreshing! For now...It's weekend chaos.


"No Worries!"

Friday, October 21, 2005 

Uncle Frank is doing better. My mom went to go see him yesterday at the hospital. He was sitting up in a chair. My mom said he seemed happy and in good spirits. She brought him the paper to read. Dad got him a T.V. in his room and a phone. They think he'll be there for a couple of days or so while his swelling goes down in his legs and feet. We're all glad that he's doing well. I was going to give him a call today and speak to him myself. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from the kids and I.

Meesa, had a dental appointment this morning, She did well. She got a black tooth brush and a Lilo & Stich sticker. She was happy! LOL. We got their Halloween costumes two days ago. Brevy, wanted to be Batman, but it was way too much money. So, we found a really cool fireman custom. He was excited about it so we got him that. Meesa, is going to be a Witch. I found her a really cool Witch hat at my job. She's all set now. She's excited! Whatever, makes them happy! Brevy, finally got a haircut this morning. Ugh, his hair has been looking so shaggy and gross lately. When we go to the park his head gets so sweaty under his helmet. He takes his helmet off and his hair is all over the place. LOL. It's pretty funny! I'm glad I don't have to look at it anymore. :-)

Last night the kids and I, went to the park without Daddy for the first time. He had basketball night at work. It was a long night without him. We went to the park at 5:30pm when Aiy came. We got home about 6:45pm when it started to get cooler. Then, I had to cook dinner. The kids watched Cinderella for about the 5th time since we've had it. I still don't think Aiy, was able to see the end. She's been really wanting to see the ending. Then, it was bath time. Then, finally bed time. Lots of work getting three kids feed and bathed. They had fun though! hehe...

I have to work tonight. I'm not looking forward to it. I got up really early this morning. I probably won't get home until after midnight tonight. Ugh! That makes for a really long day. I should end here. Time to put the kids down for a nap. :-)I think I'll take a little one, too.

Thursday, October 20, 2005 

Uncle Franklin

My Uncle Frank went to the hospital yesterday. Turns out that on Tuesday, Early Wednesday morning he was acting weird. He woke my mom up at 2 am and was really hungry. He's got diabetes and my mom always gives him orange juice to bring up his sugar. She made him a sandwich and they went back to bed. Yesterday, at 2:30 pm my mom called me to let me know that he went to walk in clinic. The doctor there wanted Uncle Frank to leave his car and go to the hospital in an ambulance. If you know Uncle Frank, he's not paying for an ambulance. He went home, told my mom and my mom had my dad take him to St. Luke's. So, he was there for a couple of hours and they were evaluating him. Some hours later I called to see if she heard anything. He was upset and said she didn't hear anything yet. I told her to call and check on him. She called me back and said he might come home tonight. She was happy after hearing that. I couldn't help to be upset. I tried to hide it from my mom and give her reassurance that he'll be okay. After hanging up with her the tears started to come. I just said my prayers for him and hope he'll recover and get well. We went to the park last night. It was cooler than usual. We stayed long enough for the kids to reunite with their friends, Wyatt and Kara. After leaving we came home to eat and then went to Target to get some Halloween stuff and some get well cards for Uncle Frank. After getting home my mom left a message that they were going to keep Uncle Frank in the hospital overnight. When he stands up, he can't breathe. It was 9:30 pm my time and I didn't want to wake her. I left her a text message. This morning, I called to see if she heard anything. She hadn't and was having problems contacting his insurance. So, I used good ole Google and found it and gave her the new number. She was glad she'd be able to call them and let them know about Frank. So, I'm trying to do my part way over here in NM. Apparently, my dad is home and isn't showing any concern for my Uncle. Why he's like that I have no idea. Why doesn't he take my mom to go see him? Ugh! It's so frustrating. The kids made Uncle Frank some get well cards. They were concerned and wanted him to feel better. It was really weird. Yesterday, at lunch time (before we had heard anything) Brevy, was telling Meesa that she was a girl and he was a boy. So, she kept saying, "No I'm a boy!" So Brevy, started explaining..."I'm a boy, Daddy is a boy!" Then, he turns to me and asks, "Momma, is Uncle Frank old?" and I said, yeah he's old. He then turns to Meesa and says, "Uncle Frank is a boy!" --It was just kind of weird how he mentioned Uncle Frank. My mom says kids pick up on things that we may not. I think that's true for sure. As of right now I don't know any new information. I told my mom to call the hospital and check on him. See if a nurse can tell him to call home. My mom gave him a bunch of change before he went there. Hopefully, he will.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 

Playground Time!!!

Yesterday, we went to the park when Daddy got home. Right before the park Brevy, was yelling out the window to some older boy across the street. Then, I heard, "Hey Kid!" Brevy said, "What?" So, I go over to the window to see who he's talking to and it was the kid that lives across the street. I told Brevy he could go outside if he wanted to. So, he raced down the stairs, put his shoes on, and while going out the door... Daddy came in. Slow down...We're going to the park in a minute, Daddy said. Brevy, wanted to play with the little boy. So, I guess while I was getting ready Brevy, went to go talk to the kid. I come outside and I guess we weren't sure if Brevy wanted to play with the boy or go to the park. He decided to go to the park. So, we put his bike in the back and took off down the street. When we got to the park there wasn't anyone there. Five minutes later a family with two boys came. The dad had a basketball and Charles and I, were attempting to play Frisbee. I apparently was good at this last year. This time around I couldn't make the damn thing so straight to save my life. Ugh! Even Meesa, throws a Frisbee better than I do. She's actually pretty good. She must take after her dad. Charles, is like a Frisbee pro. LOL. Anyway, It wasn't very fun (for me.) Then, the other family started throwing our frisbees at one another and we were watching their kids try to catch them. He was pretty funny. One of the little boys was only 1.5 years old. His other son, looked about Brevy's age. It was cute! Then, another family came. Which happened to be the kids from the last time we were at the park. Meesa was hand in hand with the one little girl, They played in the sand. While, Brevy raced on his bike with the other two little boys. They had a lot of fun. We left kind of early, because it was getting cold. We're going to go back to the park today and have so more fun with the kids. :)

Monday, October 17, 2005 

Leaving my job

I'm not working today, Thank God. It seemed a little uncomfortable at work once they knew I wasn't going to be there for much longer. I mean, what do you say in those types of situations? I gave them my letter of resignation. Then, they want to confront you about it. Eh, a little uneasy. I also work with a bunch of young managers. It's not like they are professional or anything. I'm not saying that young people can't be professional, but these guys just aren't. They like to be wild and crazy at work. So, anyway, the store manager approached me about it too. She said, "I got your letter! I'm sorry that you're leaving us." It's like...Go ahead and make me feel guilty. It's just a weird and uncomfortable situation. I think I like working there after experiencing that horrid time at the other location. It's tiring, but I didn't expect anything more. Ugh! I told this one manager that I'd stay if he'd pay me more. They're all mad that I'm leaving. I get the question, "Do you like working here?" a lot from customers. My answer is always, "It's a job!" I mean, hello--Of course I don't like working, who does? Let alone at a place that doesn't pay much. Ugh! So, it will be exciting to start somewhere that's actually going to pay pretty well. During the holidays it should be easy getting people to "add" onto the sale. We'll see what happens. I should be at least making $5 on top of the base pay. I have the potential to make $8 on top of base pay. Now that's exciting!!!! If only I didn't have to start on Halloween then it would be perfect. Oh well.

We're going to go to Zoo Boo anyway. It turns out that Daddy, has to work that day, but I'm going to take the kids and meet him there. It should be exciting. Last year we had to wait in line what seemed like hours. It's probably going to be impossible to find him there, but we have a little "meeting" spot. I gave the option to the kids to pick out their costumes. I think Brevy, wants to be Batman. Meesa, wants to be a witch. Every time we're in Wal-Mart she puts the Witch hat on and never wants to take it off. So, we'll see. We still have a little bit of time to pick something out.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 

A new cursor

I found a little Halloween treat for everyone that visits my site for the rest of October. I found a cute little ghost cursor that you'll be able to view if you have Microsoft 6.0 and higher. :) I think he's cute. Hehe...Just getting into the Halloween spirit. (I'll have the lil watermelon back after the holidays. After all the watermelon is me!)


Lobo Howl

Last night, after work we went to the Lobo Howl at the Pitt. It was fun! The kids had a lot of fun! We ate tons of food. Daddy, Aiy, and myself got hotdogs. We got nachos and two buckets of popcorn. To make it worse Charles, brought snacks for the kids. LOL. They didn't eat much of the crackers that he packed them. Brevy, helped me eat my hot dog. Meesa, helped eat all the popcorn. Hahahah! The kids are a trip! They danced and watched the slam dunk contest. I told them, "Look they're going to do a trick!" That got them interested! hehe...They had fun. We didn't get home until 10pm. So, I was gone from the house from 1pm-10pm. That's crazy, but it was nice to do something different. ;)

We were going to go to the Fire Station yesterday. They had an open house. I thought Brevy, would really love that. Right before I went to work yesterday, it started to down pour. It was dark, cold, and yucky outside. I wouldn't have been able to take him anyway. Aiy, wanted to go as well, but we arranged for her to come with us to the Lobo Howl instead. It all worked out well, even though Brevy didn't get to see the fire station. There will be other times though. I don't think he seemed to mind much. We were all so tired, it didn't matter.

More work today. Ugh! Fridays, I'm ready to go to work. Saturdays, are too busy. By Sunday, I just want to go home. Ah, what am I going to do working all week? Soon, I'll have to. That's going to be hard for me. It wouldn't be if the kids were in school, but since they're not and I take care of them all day...It will be a challenge. :}

I guess I should get the kids ready. They're done with their breakfast and ready to tear up the house. Ugh!

Thursday, October 13, 2005 

I GOT IT! I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I GOT THE JOB AT VICKY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'M REALLY EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!

I was really nervous. They're were tons of people there. She said it would be over at 12pm, which would have made it 2 hours. I didn't even get called for the interview until a little after 12pm. Then, I guess I did well enough to be offered the next part of the interview, which was computer skills assessment. So, there were three tests each of 20 minutes. I completed those and waited for the lady to see if I passed or failed. Then, she said, "We'd like to give you an offer!" So, there were two ladies ahead of me...I waited about 30 minutes to hear, "Congratulations!" Really exciting!!!!!!! So, that's that. I start on Halloween. I'm a little concerned, because I won't get a chance to Trick Or Treat with my children. That's the highlight of the day. I'm upset about it. I know it can't be changed. I can't miss training. That was one of the first things they told us while waiting in the training room. Ugh! Maybe we can go the day before. I know some places, like the Zoo does it early. Maybe the mall does it the day before as well, I can't remember. But I really want to be with the kids on Halloween. Sucks! I know I'll come up with something. I always do! :)~

I'm excited to be making way more money than I am now and would have at crappy, non- paying Borders. :)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 


Tomorrow I have my interview at Victoria Secretes. I'm kind of nervous because we're going to be there for at least two hours the lady said. Yikes! What in the world would I be doing for two hours? Charles, says we might have a quiz and that freeked me out. I'm like oh great...a quiz! So, I still don't know what I'm going to wear. It's ten! Charles, is being insensive! I want to go to bed, but I have so much to do and all I can do is come back online and sit here. Ugh. I WAS ready for the interview. I'm not anymore...

I'll write more about it tomorrow...


starting already...



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Tuesday, October 11, 2005 

It's been Two Months, Already!

Happy Two Month Anniversary, Baby! I love you!!!



I went to the dentist today. We got up early, because my dentist is way on the other side of town. My concerns were of my Wisdom Teeth. After my cleaning I wanted the Dr. To look at them and see if there was anything that he could do. I went to see a specialist that will cost well over a grand in the summer. That isn't an option so I wanted him to look at the x-rays and see if he could do the procedure. Turns out he'd rather send me to a specialist. He says there are nerves really close to the teeth under the gum and doesn't want to risk it. The bottom ones are really coming in at an angle. So, it looks like I may have to see a specialist after all. I should of had them out by now. I should have had them out when I was a teenager. These things didn't concern my parents, I guess. Now, that my dad knows about the risks and dangers...Even though it's a common procedure, he's concerned. I was thinking, you never cared before. Ugh! Parents! That's why my children go to the dentist every six months. They're going to get used to going. They get used to brushing and they are NOT going to have issues when they get older, because I will take care of everything right off the bat! *shaking head* So, I'll be searching for some ways to get dental coverage and see what I can do about it soon. They need to come out! They're not really bothering me, other than the swelling I can feel on a daily basis. Well, after writing that...I guess they pretty much ARE bothering me. It's just something that needs to be dealt with. *Ugh* The things that come my way, are endless. Yes? Yes! :-P~

Monday, October 10, 2005 


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Two Hats

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Who's Mark?

Brevy: Mama, mark is coming over!

Me: Who's Mark?

Brevy: My friend!

Me: Oh okay...Well, when's he going to be here?

Brevy: For dinner time.

Me: Okay! Well, what does he look like?

Brevy: Mark, has a little bit of grey hair in the back of his head. He's big! Bigger than you! Bigger than Daddy! Bigger than our van!

Me: Oh wow!

Brevy: Mark's here and playing gameboy now, mama. Then, he's taking us to Wal-Mart.

Me: He is? Mark can drive?

Meesa: Mama, can you get me out of my chair?

Brevy: Wait "A," We're talking about Mark!

Me: So, what else can you tell me about Mark?

Brevy: His car is broken! He said I can barrow it, because my car is leaking.

Me: Ohhhhh.....

Brevy: Mark says, that he can't fix his yellow truck. My car is the Hummer, Mama.

Me: You have a hummer and Mark has a yellow, broken truck?

Brevy: Yep! Oh, Mark says he needs to go to work now.

Me: Oh okay!

Brevy: I told him to just stay home instead.

Me: Well, how's he going to make money staying home?

Brevy: I dunno!

Brevy: Mark's thirsty! He wants a coke. I told him we don't have Coke. Then, he said he wanted a Sprite. I told him we don't have a Sprite.

Me: There's always Milk!

Brevy: He'll take a water with ice.

Me: Sounds equally good.

Brevy: Why does it need to rain all day mama? The sky is always blue!


Lil Princess

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Changing Leaves



We went shopping for the kids last night after I got off of work, headache and all. :) They need the clothes and eventually my Relpax kicked in and it was fun. So, I feel better that I don't have to wait around for their grandparents to do it. It'd be January before you'd hear something from them. It's so silly that they don't even call. If it wasn't for me calling them every other day, I'd probably never hear from them. Isn't it typical for the daughters and sons NOT to call home? I'm the total opposite. I'm always calling home to see how they are. Mom, just figures I'm busy and don't call, because she'll be bothering me. Nonsense! She obviously doesn't know me well...I like it when they call and see how we all are. Ugh! They are exhausting! Three days of work wasn't bad at all. It was refreshing to be back to a familiar place and see familiar faces. I am glad I'm not working today though. When I start my new jobs I'll be working two more days than I do right now. That will probably be a drastic change. I'm not used to doing all the house work, taking care of the kids, AND working 5 days a week. That sounds really drastic! I'll probably won't be blogging as much after that. The kids are a full-time job by themselves. I'll eventually have school, too. Crazy days! Today, I have a day lined up with more decorating and putting the kids summer clothes away. We'll be filling their dresser with their new clothes...And hanging everything else. Oh joy! :-) It's so cold this morning. We actually turned on the heater for awhile. The kids were so funny. The were standing and shaking as I pulled them out of bed at 9am. I can't believe we all got to sleep late. WOW! It was really nice! :) Thanks guys! Okay, now it's time to start on the house work.

Saturday, October 08, 2005 


Just a quick post... I went to my interview at Borders. Like I said, It's mine if I want it. (cocky, but so very true!) :) So, basically the new store doesn't open until mid-Nov., but they'll be training at the end of Oct. Hopefully, I can land the Vicky secretes just as well. :) Went to work both Friday night and today. I drove the long drive by myself. AHHH! It only took me 24 minutes. Usually, it takes at least 30 minutes. I think I hit all the green lights. I was nervous that I was going to get lost. I did really well though. I'm proud of myself. There are so many different ways to go that I just didn't think I'd be able to find my way. Hahahaha....Since baby was running late from his job, we met at my job. Crazy days! At least we have two cars though. It's a lot easier. They came to pick me up tonight. We told Aiy, to sleep over tonight so we don't have to wait up early and drive 45 minutes to get her tomorrow morning. We met her in the parking lot after I got off work. So, tonight we're all together. We're going to play hide n' seek. That's their favorite game in this house. It's late and they should already be in bed...So, I'll make it short.

Friday, October 07, 2005 


Today, I have an interview at Borders. I filled out their application the other night and got a call yesterday afternoon. Jen, just got a job at Borders not too long ago and I think she likes it. I also, have another interview at Vicky Secretes next week. I'm hoping I get Vicky's!!! It will be a lot more money. I also work tonight. Ugh! At least I'll be back at my old store and not cramped in that little (so called) "work environment." That place was so awful, but I refuse to write about it, again. :) Baby's getting off early to take me to my interview today. I actually like going to interviews, It's exciting! They probably pay the same as I'm making now...But it's a new environment. The new store won't be up for weeks, which is good news. Hopefully, that gives me a chance to see about Vicky's interview which is going to be two hours long. Then, there's another interview after that...And maybe a third. :)~ We'll see I guess. We put up more pictures around the house last night, which was a lot of work. It took me 30 minutes to find the hammer. All along it was in the tool box. Mind you, I already looked there. I had the kids search the house as well. LOL. Anyway, we found it and started in the loft/family room/office. We put up the kids pictures, because I want it to look like a "warm" place to be. I love it! We put Brevy's Hummer poster up in his room. We put Aiy & Meesa's, pictures up in their room. Their room is really plain. Brevy, has all the furniture and the girls just have their toys and bed. Poor girls! It will have to wait though, because they're are other things they need more right now. I got a lot accomplished with Baby at basketball last night. He's back on his basketball "work" schedule every Thursdays again. He referees two games and then plays with his own team after that. He loves playing basketball! Hehe...I've been spending a lot of one on one time with Brevy lately. We're working on his writing skills. He's been doing work sheets that I make out for him, everyday. He's doing really well. I want to prepare him as much as I can for kindergarten. He's got so much energy and can't sit still half the time. These little sessions that we have teaches him also that there's a time for playing and a time for homework. He's starting to catch on and really focus. I haven't seen him so excited about "work" in a while. He's really smart! He just has to apply himself. Yes, I said apply himself at the age of four. You can never start too early with these little ones. :) It reminds me of when I was a pre-school teacher. It's such a rewarding job. I miss it! I know I can go back at any time and do what I was doing before I had Brevy. It's just an 8-5pm job and I'm not able to do that right now. Not until the kids get into school, but I have plans during that time though. I'm going to start college classes in January. It's about time to start "working" on me. The kids are old enough now and can understand that, "mamma's got to go to school and will be back later." I'm really excited! The possibilities are endless! :-)

Thursday, October 06, 2005 

POOR us...

I found out today that my Dad has no intentions of buying the kids fall clothes. This after saying he would and that it would indeed be fun to shop for them. Mom, went today and he wanted no part of it. He wouldn't even give her money. So, she got Meesa some jeans and said they had absolutely nothing cute and gave up. This is all very stressful to me because they wanted to go shopping for their grand kids. It's hard right now to buy them stuff with costs up the ying yang from everything else. It looks like their "college funds" will be dipped into. I hate to do that, but I have no choice. :*(

Wednesday, October 05, 2005 

Little Feet...

This morning I woke up to the sound of slamming doors and little voices. Not to mention; the feet that hit the walls in the am. It's really hard getting used to the fact that the kids are right next door. It's a good layout, that's how a house should be. BUT when you're up late filling out applications online because the connection is so slow... It's not a good thing waking up to feet and voices. :( I'm tired to say the least. I wish just once I'd get to sleep late in this house. Ever since we've lived here I'm up at 7am or 8am. When I'm up it's not like I'm sitting around. I start emptying boxes, vacuuming, washing and folding laundry. I get more done in the am than most people do all day. That's too early if you ask me! The kids seem to be more hyper living here. They love the fact that they have all this room to claim. Meanwhile, it seems I'm chasing them around and accomplishing nothing. Everyone keeps telling me it will take awhile to get the house up and together. Yeah, I know...But I'm not willing to wait. Ugh! I'm just tired of looking at boxes and piled of pictures waiting to be put up. Last night when Charles got home we cleaned the garage. The garage was so bad you couldn't walk in it at all. Both cars are outside because of that and it's ridiculous. The balk of the mess is the kids toys. We took apart their play house and slide. It was in a million different large plastic pieces and in the way! We took it out in the back yard, laid down some tarp and covered it all up. What a job that was. It's really windy where we live too and I knew it wasn't going to stay covered. Charles and I, hunted for some large concrete pieces lying around on the lot two houses down. That did the job well. We'll see if these NM winds will take that apart. The wind has already ruined a little chime skeleton I had in the tiny tree out front. He doesn't have legs now. So much for that idea! We decorated the house for Halloween the last week in September. It looks really cool. Especially Brevy's room. :)~ There's still so much more to be done. I wonder if we'll accomplish all that is needed by the time inspection comes...Hmm...Let's hope so! Mom, is supposed to be shopping for the kids fall clothes. We're still waiting to hear something. It's not top priority for Dad, because he's working on his old '83 Chrysler. He's trying to restore some of the underneath and then he's going to "trade it in." Every week he changes his mind on whether to keep it or trade it in. I told him to sell it. It's a classic and people always want classics. He had a good deal on it, but refused to sell it. He says the guy didn't offer him enough for it. AiyDiosMio! So, mom's waiting on him to make his move so she can shop. So far, nada! It's early and I should get the kids some breakfast...Even though they're naughty, they still have to eat. LOL. Charles, should be home soon. They get 'administrative leave' today. YAY! I'm going to the eye doctor later and applying for more jobs. Which means I'll need to get dressed up. UGH! :-(

Tuesday, October 04, 2005 


Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

I love the special shapes. They are my favorite at Balloon Fiesta. The bees are a popular favorite. When the two went up in joined hands, the crowd roared. :)



Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

Here's just another beautiful sight from the NM sky.



Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

We got to see this balloon way before it was in the air. It was on the ground with a crew trying to get all the air it could in it, even after their fan broke. It's really cool to watch.


Froggy Balloon

Froggy Balloon
Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

We went to New Mexico's Annual Balloon Fiesta on Sunday. The kids really liked this one. Isn't he cute?!


I'M BACK!!!! :):):):)::)::):):):)

We're all moved in our new house. We've been extremely busy with cleaning the old house, moving out the left over crap to the new house, and trying to un-box the new house all at the same time. The last week of September we were back and forth about 30 minutes each way just so we could get everything done. We rented a huge moving truck and got it loaded, drive another 30 min. To the new house, unloaded it all in about four hours. We've never done anything so fast before. I think it had a lot to do with having everything ready in boxes. Last time we moved we were packing as we put it in the truck. That takes way too long. This time we were pros and knew we needed to have everything boxed and ready. It was all in the garage. All we really had to deal with was the heavy stuff, like the entertainment systems, etc. We had my brother- in-law and father-in-law helping. Those guys did all the heavy stuff. We couldn't have done it without them. It was so much work!!! We had so much crap in that old house. It wasn't that big of a house either. I don't understand how we could collect so much. I have a little voice that always says, "okay we need to start weeding some of this crap out!" and we still have a lot of stuff floating around. I just don't understand. The good thing is we're done with the old house and we're glad. I don't miss it at all. We've handed it back and can now concentrate on the new house and making it look nice. I haven't really had a chance to work on it. The downstairs is the most completed room. I figure we're always in the kitchen/Dining room/ living room. Those rooms need to be "home" So, I fixed those up first. I'm not done, but it is starting to look like a home. The loft is my favorite room. Even more so now, because I finally have internet access. I went 10 long days with out it. I never thought I could do that in a million years. I really didn't have a choice. Who ever built this house didn't put in a ground wire. I think that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. All these houses are new in this area and every single one of them had a damn ground wire except ours. We have no neighbors on either side of us...Just brand new houses sitting there, waiting for someone to live in them. I really like the area believe it or not. We are in the middle of no where, but it's weird because the community is filled with houses and tons of kids everywhere. There's two parks close by that we've been spending some time at. The kids love being able to hop on their scooters and take off down the side walk. There's lots of room for bikes and stuff. It's a family place for sure. I really enjoy living next to so many families. Our other house was next to the Bosque and we were surrounded by rich, old people. LOL. Now, it's totally different and I really like it. It reminds me of Meadow Hill where I used to live. There were always kids running about and always someone around to play with. Brevy, already got a chance to meet a new little boy while at the park. They were racing in large circles with Aiy. They must have gone around and around 100 times. They didn't seem the least bit tired either. We'll be able to enjoy a few more warm days. The back yard is HUGE, but no zeriscape- just dirt. By the time they get around to doing all the landscaping, it will be winter. We won't be able to enjoy it much then. So, when I look outside the back yard, all I see is dirt. It's okay though. There's lots of places around here to enjoy. The last couple of weeks in September have just been so busy. We just started to enjoy ourselves on Sunday. We got to go to the Annual Balloon Fiesta. We woke up at 5am on Sunday. We all got dressed and took off back into town. It wasn't that cold either which was odd. Every time we go it's so damn cold we can't even move. We just kind of of stand there and look at the sky until the sun comes up. This was pleasantly different this year. We all appreciated it, too! The kids were excited! We all tried picking out our favorites. Mine, is the alien which I didn't see this year. :( I do have plently of pictures of him though. LOL. Anyway, it was a good day. We all came home, ate a good breakfast and got ready for church. The kids were kind of antsy, but did okay. What do you expect for getting them up at 5am?! When we got home we took a nice, long nap and that's when we headed to the park. Our first day of really enjoying ourselves. We worked so hard and really needed a day of relaxation. In between, all of this stuff I've been working the weekends like I always do. I transferred to the store nearest the house and what a mistake that was. It's a GROSS store. The break room/bathroom/receiving room/and audit room are all in ONE small area. It's the worst thing I have ever seen. Then, they wonder why the store has theft problems. Hmmm....Gee....Ya think because the merchandise and the break room are the SAME ROOMS?!!!! I had the worst day ever working there on the 25th. I wanted to run out of that place. I almost did, but I kept telling myself "he's a shitty manager, don't let him get to you!" Even the customers were yelling at this "manager." He really sucked. I was the only person working that afternoon too. It's just a totally different atmosphere. I called the store manager at "my" store and let her know all the things that went wrong and told her to transfer me back. She understood and I'll be working back there on Friday. It was just an awful experience and I don't need to subject myself to that when I can just stay at my old store for now. Meanwhile, I've been putting all kinds of applications in everywhere. Lots of people are hiring and I know I can find something else soon. I might have an interview this Wednesday. So, I'm not really worried about finding another job. I can have it, if I want it. :)~ I should stop for now. I have lots to talk about, but very little time. :( At least I'm back to blogging though. :) I've missed it!!!! <3>


upper stairs

We have two flights of stairs. AHHH! 17 total.


Living Room


Fire Place



About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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