Welcome to my blog! My life isn't that interesting, but I like to make note of it anyway. Please feel free to leave your comments. If you don't comment, it's like you don't exist. Sign my guest book and leave your mark! Come back soon!!:):):):).

http://www.sparklee.com - glitter text

Thursday, December 29, 2005 

Plans to do nothing...

What a night! I thought I was going to have a peaceful night of blogging and relaxing, but Lilly is at my feet wanting attention. She's sneezing all over the place. She's jumped up on my computer three times now. She doesn't get it! She's got a free exam tomorrow morning. Other than that she's good. She's been gaining a little weight as well. Usually, she just sleeps all the time. She isn't that playful, because of the surgery. As I type this she's going crazy trying to find a way on my lap as I type (jump no. Four)-Ugh! Charles, is sleeping, because he doesn't feel good. I think we all gave him what we had. Bones is sick, but she's covering it up well. Only once and awhile will she cough. Poor guys! I'm glad I didn't have to go to work today. I was able to lounge around the house. (jump no.5) I read to the kids 10 different books tonight including the one they got from Jen and Colette for Christmas. What a cute book! It's called, "and Tango makes Three!" Brevy, had lots of questions like, "Well why doesn't she (penguin) have a mom?" Curious minds! We read a SpongeBob book that their Grandma and Grandpa got for them for Christmas as well. We picked up a bunch of other books and were on a roll. I was trying to keep them still while Charles went to bed early. It didn't work that well, because in between books Brevy, was loud. I don't think that kid could be quiet if he tried his hardest. He's a little motor mouth. I tried though. I never get to read to them anymore, because I'm always working at this time and I miss it. I have nothing planned for tomorrow other than taking lil naughty Lillian to the Vet's. I'm tired and I'm just looking to relax. Sounds good, huh?


New Message Board

I thought I'd try out a new message board on my blog. Scroll down a little...It's on the right hand side after "Links." Leave me a message! If I like it, I'll keep it! :) Thanks!


The Rope


Wednesday, December 28, 2005 

Cursor Change

How about a snowflake?! Say goodbye to Mr. Snowman...I think I'm just wishing it would snow here in ragged New Mexico. I miss the SNOW!!!! :(


Everyone is Sick! :-P~

I've been sick since Dec.23rd. I'm just now starting to get better. Brevy, got sick that same day. We both felt awful for Christmas Eve. Now Charles and Meesa, are starting to get sick. Brevy, seems to be the worst. He's got this really awful cough. This morning I went in his room and he was still asleep at 9:30am. He never does that! He's always up before Charles leaves in the am. I was really surprised. I've been telling him to get his rest or he's never going to get better. He skipped his nap the other day, which I wasn't happy about. Grr. I guess he made up for it today. Really surprising! He sounds like he's getting a little better, too. Charles and Meesa, are the ones that are just getting the head cold. Sucks! Charles, is working at his second job through his "vacation." He gets home a half an hour later, too. Work hasn't been that great for me these last couple of days. People are only shopping clearance and it's impossible to get that lift. Company has lowered their standards since all the new clearance catalogs have released, So that helps. I haven't talked to mom in a couple of days. I called her a bunch on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. We got our packages the same day, which was kind of ironic. They bought the kids tons of clothes and some other cute things. I'm grateful for that! Their other Grandma got them nothing but toys, so it evened out. LOL. Other than that it's the same ole here. I wish we all weren't sick. It's so hard to work when you feel like crap. Especially Charles as an optician. That's a job where you actually have to be alert and hold a conversion with people- face to face. Ugh! At least I can make faces at people while on the phone. lol. I feel for ya, Babe. Get better soon!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 

My Love!!<<3


An angel

I was good!


Santa was good. :)



She's all Dora-ed out!!!! ALL SHE GOT WAS DORA! SHE MUST HAVE EVERY DORA MADE!!!!!!--ugh.


Merry Christmas, Brevy

pic.removed I guess he was good enough to get some gifts from Santa.


Merry Christmas, Aiy!

She's a happy camper!!!

Sunday, December 25, 2005 

The Scriptural Promise

Isiah 9:6; Luke 2:10,14;Romans 5:5 For to us a child is born, to usa son is given;and the government will be upon his shoulders. HOPE does not disappoint us, because God's LOVE has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us. Beholld, I bring you good tidings of great JOY which will come to all people...Glory to God in the highest and on earth PEACE to men of good will.



May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope; The spirit of Christmas which is peace; The heart of Christmas which is love. -Ada V.Hendricks

Friday, December 23, 2005 

~Our New Addition~

This is Miss. Lillian "Lilly" Grace(e), 5 months old. She's new to our family. We adopted her on Wednesday from a shelter. She was sterilized and we got to pick her up yesterday at 6:00pm. She's such a sweetheart. She slept with me last night and drove me nuts! She's a cutie though!!!



She's learning new things so quickly. LOL



This is Miss. Lilly playing with her string. :)


Talkative <<3

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 

Jingle Bells...

I'm still Christmas shopping here. I can't believe I'm still doing last minute things. Well I can, because I am always working. Usually, I'm done by now, it's weird to still be needing things on my list. Oh well! Maybe I'll catch a last minute sale or I'll probably end up paying more for procrastinating.

We had a decorating contest at work. Our team came in second and they had a million and one cookies there for us. Yummy! Work is okay...Same ole! The kids however are as crazy as ever. Aiyana is going to be sleeping over tonight and tomorrow is my day off. We're going to take them to the mall to see Santa. This way they can have their lists ready with what they want. This Christmas we're sticking with our usual traditions. That's what traditions are for! Charles and I, started up our own years ago. On Christmas Eve we're going to eat at our favorite restaurant. Then, it's off to church. Last year we did the midnight mass, because Aiyana was in a play. This year we'll be going a little earlier (this way the day care is still open!) LOL! No, just kidding! On Christmas Day after the kids wake up and open everything, we're going to Jemez to visit the family. We're going to pick Aiyana up and we'll open gifts with her altogether. A day with family is how it should be. I won't get to be with my Mom and Dad. Maybe when the kids get older and can with stand New York's wonderful and beautiful winter then we will visit them. Baby told me that on Christmas Day it will be almost 60 degrees here. 60 degrees!!! I can't get over that. Every Christmas I've ever known was a winter wonderland. What's up with the 60 degree weather? Yikes! I was hoping to cozy up with some homemade cookies with cocoa to watch the snowflakes fall. Oh well, wishful thinking- I guess. It will still be a beautiful day. It's the day our Savior was born. :-)

Sunday, December 18, 2005 

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Brevy, made this in church today. It says, "Jesus Is The Reason!" He glued it altogether with some help. We're so proud. He had a lot of fun today in church. We're going back tonight, because they are having a Christmas concert and will be singing all the Christmas songs you can think of. It should be a lot of fun! We're excited! I think I'm the MOST excited, but that's okay. :)


Baby Jesus

The kids got to take these home with them as well. The teachers made them each one in Brevy's class. He's proud of it! Meesa, got to make some ornaments for the Christmas tree as well. She had a lot of fun in her class. She even made a star wand decorated with sprinkles. It smelled like cinnamon. Yummy! She's already put all her stuff on the tree. She was also quite proud. :)


Art Work

Here's some pictures they also wanted to hang up for all to see. The are very proud of their fine job. hehe...As you can see!


Update: lol

The updated version with Meesa's new ornaments added on. You can't really see them in this picture, but they're there. She put each one on by herself.

Saturday, December 17, 2005 

Santa's Coming...

Busy!! Busy!! Busy!! I finally got my Christmas cards out yesterday. I ran out of stamps, but I got them all out. Charles, is working at his other job today until noon. Then, I go to work and don't get home until after Midnight. We're going to attempt to Christmas shop for the kids and everyone else tomorrow. I actually have the day off, but we have no one to watch the kids. Aiyana also comes tomorrow. We usually scout out the place with the kids and then one of us stays with them in the car while the other shops really quickly. lol. Isn't that sad? Geez, but that's the only way we can do it. We'll have to drop Aiyana home first and then do it at night. She won't fall for that. That's what happens when ya don't have a babysitter. As long as Charles, can entertain them long enough for them not to see the big Santa bag entering the trunk. Pathetic! My Mom and Dad, got them a bunch of stuff. This year it's stuff they can actually use. They got them clothes, books, and bath toys. Charles' mom, got them a bunch of toys- I think. I still don't know what to get them. I think I'll get Bones a new winter coat, some room accessories, and some girlie stuff. Brevy, on the other hand...I know what he wants, but I really didn't want to buy him just toys. He'll have it broken in no time. My Dad bought him a blue navigator while we were in NY. The thing was $22 and Brevy had it broken that same night. He lost a tire and it all went down hill from there. Why buy him things he's going to break? It doesn't teach him anything either. He's been especially naughty for Daddy lately. Actually, both of them were awful last night...So, I heard. Thank God, I was at work! Grandpa, came over last night and the kids were fighting, not listening, being loud, etc. Charles, told me that even lil Bones didn't listen to him. Wow...Let's just say they went to bed early and not so happy. I would like to drop a lump a coal in their stocking and see how they like that on Christmas morning. I think Brevy, has figured no matter how he acts; Santa will come. It seems to be what he's thinking, because of the way he acts everyday. I keep telling him Santa watches everything he does. I wanted to get our traditional Christmas pictures done. The only day I have is Sunday. I also want to take the kids to actually see Santa. Maybe that will entice better behavior. Yeah, right! I can hope, can't I?! Charles, doesn't seem to want to do either one. I don't know. I guess it will be a last minute decision. I'm happy I won't be working on Christmas Eve and I also get paid for Christmas Day. Nice!!! It seems like I have so much to get accomplished in so little time, somehow I'll make it all work. Mama, always finds a way!

Friday, December 16, 2005 

"Mr. Smokey," The Cat...

This is naughty Smokey cat. He's not our cat, but he's always hungry and we feed him from time to time. He's a "talker!" He's always meowing really loudly the entire time he's in the house. We just leave him in long enough for him to eat and then he likes to play for a few minutes. He loves our stairs. He usually tears up and down them, missing a few steps and falling. lol. He's pretty funny! :) He's meowing here, as well.


Naked Tree


Night Time Tree


Day Time Tree


Day Off, part II

I ended up over sleeping last night. I slept from 4-6pm! AHHH! I only was planning on sleeping an hour. I called Charles, when he answered he said "see you in a couple of minutes!" I was expecting to see him at 9pm. Turns out basketball was canceled, meaning we'd get to spend some time together after all. I was excited! I can't believe I slept that long, but I guess I needed it. After dinner we went to get some more Christmas lights at Target. I just bought two more light sets last year, but I didn't know where they were. The only kind they had were a $10 pack of 140 lights. Geez!!! So, we got those, stopped to rent a movie and flew home to decorate the tree. Once I plugged the lights in I found out they were chaser lights. OH! That's why they cost $10 bucks. Okay! That's pretty cool. Brevy, thought they were neat, too. So, we all spent the night decorating the tree. Daddy, was in there with us for awhile until he got tired and watched from the couch. The kids had a good time making the tree look gaudy. lol. Oh well, they had fun doing it. Brevy, was still dictating and rushing us threw the entire time. He was wanting to put the candy canes on before we even finished the balls. He was just really excited! After the tree was topped with the angel it was time for the kiddies to go to bed. Charles and I, curled up on the couch with some jiffy pop and peanut M&M's and watched our movie. We had a good time! It was fun helping the kids with decorating the tree. They did most of the decorating, he just handed them the balls and they put it where they wanted. Meesa, fell in the tree once. She was stuck and couldn't get out. Brevy, did the same thing. They are too much, those two!!! I was glad to get a break from work and actually be altogether. Aiy, didn't come over, she would have had a great time with us too!

My work schedule is looking better. Turns out I'll have Sunday, Thursday and Christmas Eve off. Thank You, Lord! I was planning on talking to my supervisor about it and she handed me my schedule and I was so relieved. She asked if I did any Christmas shopping and I felt like saying, how could I, when I am always here!? I behaved myself and said, "not yet, but I plan on it!" At least I'll get a break soon. That's all I wanted, was a little family time. :)

Thursday, December 15, 2005 

A Day Off...

Today, is my day off. The only day that I can not work, because Charles plays basketball. We woke up early this morning and got ready to take Aiy to school. We haven't taken her to school in awhile. Usually it's just Aiy and Daddy. After that it was time for some tree hunting. We were hoping we wouldn't have to pay an arm and a leg for a live tree. We found this place that I had my eye on last night. There was a pregnant lady standing outside messing with some wires. She greeted us and kept at what she was doing. It was cold out this morning and she only had a fleece and some light gloves on. She looked about 8-9 months pregnant. After standing in one spot looking at what was around us; We just decided on one. They all pretty much looked the same. It's a 6.5 foot tree. Our ceilings are only 8 feet in the living room, so that would be perfect. She cut the end of it-- pregnant and all. Charles, strapped it to the top of our mini van and we drove off. When arriving home Smokey, was getting barked at by two lil hot dog-dogs. LOL. His tail was big and bushy and his back was arched. He looked like a Halloween cat. The lady that was walking her dogs on the other side of the side walk looked pleased with herself. Like her tiny dogs could really protect her. It was kind of funny. I bet Smokey didn't think so though. After they continued to walk down the street Smokey, stood there meowing. It was almost like he was afraid to cross the street- not knowing if those ratty dogs would come back. Finally, he did and he was "talking" up a storm. All the while Charles, was trying to get the tree from off the roof of the van. We let Smokey in the house along with the tree and it was Meesa's job to get the bag of food to fed him. She's been kind of scared of him ever since he barley snagged the tip of her finger while playing with a string once. She's still not too sure about him. He was rubbing all over her. Every time he'd touch her she'd take a step bag. She was holding her hat in one hand, trying to open this big bag of dried cat food with the other. It was funny! I was under the tree trying to screw it into the base as Charles held it. We kept telling her, "open the bag! He's hungry!" She struggled and tried not to get too close. She's so silly! Charles, helped her and she was able to pour him some food. The poor lil cat was starving. He gobbled the food right down. :-( Aws! After the tree was in and in a little slanted, he rushed to work. We said our goodbyes and now it was time to move some furniture. I had to basically re-arrange everything so that the tree could fit. I could barley pick it up, it's really heavy. Brevy, watched and kind of dictated where things would go. Then, he had the nerve to exclaim how tired he was from all the moving he did. ..."Okay, what did you exactly move again?" I said. "The tree!" says Brevy. "Right! Okay then! I can see why you are so tired." I said. He's so crazy!!! He's a lil Rodney (my dad!) After I got everything in place and all the pine needles vacuumed up, we headed back in the van to where else? Wal-Mart! We had a bunch of grocery shopping to do. I really didn't want to go shopping. By this time it was already noon. Ugh! So, we went and the parking lot was full. Even the farthest parking spots were taken. We got home at 2:30pm, just about an hour ago. I put the kids down for their nap. We do not mess with their napping schedule! I'm going to eat some lunch and nap, too. It's been a pretty fun day. Busy, but fun! We're going to try to decorate the tree tonight when Daddy gets home from basketball. I don't think I can wait until Saturday or Sunday. I am worse than a kid, I tell ya!!! The tree is bare and bushy and it needs some lovin'! Enough for now, this is supposed to be my relaxing, quite time. :-)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005 

"Good Grief!"

I got a chance to rest today after I cleaned the house. I tried to take a nap despite the banging, sawing, and hammering going on outside. I'll be glad when they are done building that house. All I keep thinking about is how not to miss out on this holiday season. It seems I have time for nothing. I could jeopardize the kids nap and hall them off to the mall to do some holiday shopping. That wouldn't be good for them though and that's not something I like doing. They need their rest just like I do, or else they're cranky. When do I have the time to Christmas shop? We just figured out yesterday that we'd get our Christmas tree on Thursday morning. Meaning, we all have to get up bright and early to take Aiyana to school and then from there we'd pick out a tree. Only to lug it home and have it sit in our living room, naked until Saturday when we can decorate it. Charles, says the kids and I, can decorate it. "What fun would that be with out you?" I said. That isn't what it's all about. I just need a day from work, just an extra day a week. I'm going to talk to my supervisor today about it. I was supposed to have my weekly coaching yesterday and she forgot about me. She says I will be first on her list today. Hmm...Well, we'll see- I guess. Something needs to give! I got a nap yesterday and my night went well. I had energy and was very good at keeping my handle time down. I had it at 5 minutes as opposed to my usual 7 minutes. :) We have to pick Aiyana up tonight. Wednesdays, I usually only see Charles in the car ride to go get her and then there's barley enough time for me to get dropped off at work on time. That's rough, but I seem to be the only one worried so much about it. There's really nothing either one of us can do about our schedules. I'm going to try though today, but I don't think much will be done since it's based on business needs. Maybe I'll get lucky and catch a break. Baby, will get some days off during the holiday, but he'll be working at his second job. Lil work aholic! Our four month anniversary flew by and I didn't even notice until last night. That's a bad sign, if you ask me. He didn't notice either, which isn't any help. The days are just smashed into one. Ya know what we need? A HONEYMOON! That would be nice! *sigh*

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 

Must get sleep...

I had the WORST migraine last night at work. It was so awful. I forgot my medicine and didn't have anything to take. By the time I was done with work I was so sick to my stomach. Baby, picked me up and I sat in the dark, cold living room sipping water and nibbling on crackers. We must have sat there for at least 30 minutes before I could actually move and not feel like I was going to throw up. We went upstairs and I tried to sleep the headache away. It takes a good 30 minutes for my medicine to work. Seemed like it took longer than that. It's my fault though. I should have some medicine with me in my handbag. I lug this huge handbag around and nothing I need is ever in it. Lesson learned! I know it's because I don't get enough rest. I'm so run down these days. Charles, sentenced me to NO house work today and to rest when the kids take a nap. So far, I'm listening. I'm just giving them a bath-- that's it Baby! We watched a little of Charlie Brown's Christmas again this morning while I made cream of wheat. Right now there's sounds of Holly's X-M radio through the house. It's the biggest and best Holiday hits from the 40's until today; good station!

Mom called yesterday. I wish she hadn't. She's back to her old ways, drinking again. The sad thing is I can tell within the first five minutes or less of talking to her. She puts my Dad on the phone and we're trying to talk and she yells and screams in the back round so I can't possibly hear him. I can't stand talking to her when she's like that. She knows I know. She was calling to tell me they went Christmas shopping for the kids. She got them a couple of outfits. It's good, because that's what they need. The last thing my kids need is more toys. I don't know what I'm getting them. I was thinking a princess rug for the girls room. They have Brevy's train rug in there now. Can ya say, boyish? Yep! I haven't come up with much more than that. I will though. Brevy, wants a lot of toys. I really don't want to buy him toys. For what? He's got tons of toys he hasn't even opened yet. Ugh. He'll probably end up getting toys anyway from other family members so I don't think there's any way around it. I'm trying to teach them what Christmas is REALLY about. I think they're getting it. I still haven't gotten my Christmas cards yet. I would like to, but when do I have the time? I don't! Sucks! What about a Christmas tree? Do you think I'm home long enough to do any of this stuff? Nope! I don't know how I'll pull it off, but there's got to be a way. I'm not supposed to be stressing myself today though. Oops! Sorry baby, I forgot. I should end here...I'm supposed to be relaxing. What's relaxing about taking care of two fully energized kids? Nada! They are cute though...LOL

Monday, December 12, 2005 

It's a MONDAY! Ugh...

It seems like today is not a good customer service day for me. I was trying to get things accomplished and one thing after another just did NOT work out. I tried calling the water company and was on hold for 20 minutes. I decided to hang up, because I kept hearing, " we're experiencing high call volume, we value you as a customer, please continue to hold!" UGH!!!! Then, I called the phone company, because their website is down. I got no help there. On top of that I called to see if we can have a cat at the house and was told there's no deposit, just an extra $25/month. UGH!!!! AND on top of that I go upstairs to find my makeup crushed and all over the floor. WONDERFUL! There's a mess all over the sink as well. I asked Brevy and Bones about it and Brevy confessed. He knocked it over while getting the trash last night. UGH...So, I have that to clean up. I'd make him do it, but he'd probably just make it worse. It was an accident so I just let him go. It's a Monday!!! It just seems like the harder I try to get things accomplished the harder it is. I'm exhausted from working. It seems like that's all I do. I only wanted a part time position, but yet I get an extra 8 hours, because of the holiday. Even though I get extra hours we're all just sitting there waiting for the "beep" to go off in our ear. My AOS has been awful lately. I mean I still get an extra $2.00, but I want an extra $8.00!!! I'm there! I might as well go for it, but at the same time I get these old people that are cheap. They only want one pair of $30 pjs and don't want to pay shipping. HELLO!!! Ugh. How am I supposed to accomplish the $8.00 lift with calls like that? It's so frustrating!!! I VTO-ed last night, because it was slow and my AOS was really good and then I started getting the Pj calls. I got out of there as soon as I could. On top of that I was low on energy. I worked until midnight the night before and of course we get up at 7am to go to church on Sunday. I tried taking a nap yesterday, but then I didn't want to get up and go to work at 3pm. It's hard...I feel so run-down. The weird thing is the other people I work with only get 1-2 hours extra. I'm thinking, well why do I have an extra 8 hours? GEEZ! It's good for the holidays, but I need some time to rest , too! I live at work! My second home is my house. That's bad! Brevy's always saying, "Don't go to work, mama! Stay home! I never see you!" That's hard to hear that! I have to try to explain to a four year old that I HAVE to work. Yeah, right! It's just frustrating, is all. It wouldn't be so bad if while I was there I was actually BUSY! It's a Monday for sure. I can't wait until Thursday, my ONLY day off. I'm so glad Baby has basketball night or else I'd probably NEVER get a day off. Ugh!


Aiyana's Request

Day One:

Aiy: Mom, I mean Hillary...

Me: (talking to Charles) Aiy, has called me everything today BUT Hillary.

Aiy: Can I start to call you Mommy now?

Me: You have a Mom!

Aiy: I know, but I want to call you Mom, too!

Me: I don't think you're mom would like that very much. Do you?

Aiy: I don't know!

Day Two:

Aiy: So, can I call you Mom?

Me: That would be fine with me. You know that Aiy, but I just don't think you're mom would like it.

Aiy: I won't tell her! She doesn't have to know!

Me: She wouldn't like that, either! I mean, I am your step mom. I'll always be here for you. Maybe you can come up with a name for me. Something special you can call me. What about that?

Aiy: I still want to call you mom!

I would be honored for her to call me mom. I just feel like if it were Brevy or Bones, I wouldn't want them calling someone else mom. I really don't think her mom would like it, either. Think about it. Yes, I have known her since she was a baby. Yes, I have always been in her life. Yes, I am married to her Father. But what is the right way to handle something like this? I mean, I'm always here for her. She knows this. We have a good relationship. I just think she wants more. I think I handled it well. Mom= My other Mom... I dunno!

Friday, December 09, 2005 

Merry Christmas to ME!!!!!!!!!

This morning we had an associate sale at work which I forgot all about until I woke up. Charles, kindly reminded me that he was on his way and would be at the house in 30 minutes. CRAP! I jumped up, got the kids dressed, jumped in the shower, kids ate breakfast...And we actually had about 10 minutes to spare. Wow...Very impressive! Usually, I don't know what's going on in the am. So, we get to my job...I'm excited. I get in there and the line wraps around and down the hall. Guess what number I was...??? LAST! LOL. The lines went quickly though. About 15 people at a time, first come first serve, no limit on what you get. I made out like a bandit. NICE!!! I felt so guilty the whole entire time I was in there. I got a lot of things, just for me. My kids can't wear that stuff. My Hubby can't wear that stuff. It's weird to just shop for you and only you. I don't think I have EVER just done that. Usually, I grab the kids clothes or an outfit, A fleece here and there for Hubby...Etc.. I never just shopped for me. It's really weird. I was saying the entire time..."Okay, that's enough!" Merry Christmas, Mama! YIKES! Stuff was like $2-$3 each. WOW!!! I came out with a Santa bag full. I think I'm done feeling guilty though. It took me about 2 hours to get over it. Now I'm over it!!! I picked up some things for my mom. She'll really like it...So, it's good. They're going to have the nerve to do it again later on tonight. I'll be working though. I have enough stuff to last awhile.

Thursday, December 08, 2005 

What a CrAzY night...

Today, was my day off. YAY! I finally got a day where I can just relax and not rush to get dressed and ready for work and leave for the rest of the night. I was happy about it, too. I woke up really late, which is something I usually don't get to do. After Meesa, ate her breakfast it was time to get dressed and put her big girl panties on. This was our last and final shot at full potty training her. She's ready...She hasn't had an "accident" in a long time. We threw the pull-ups away and she put on her princess panties.There was no turning back after this. She was proud, too! Amen, Girl! After that I decided she needed a reward for being such a big girl. I blew up her Dora chair that we got her, for her birthday. It's been sitting in the closet ever since. Grrrrr..Now she'll put it to good use. Brevy, was excited and wanted his SpongeBob blown up as well. After all the excitement we eventured in the cold to get the mail. Brevy, rode his scooter and us girls, walked slowly while bracing ourselves in the wind. Why did we decide to do that? I have no idea!!! Anyway, the kiddies were due for a nap after all the afternoon excitement. Getting them up from nap wasn't as easy...LOL. We made cute Christmas trees with plenty of decoration. They had fun and were excited to see Daddy come home so they could show all their hard work to him. A short while later Aiy came and it was time for dinner. We were having Baby's famous fried chicken. YUM! After dinner, things got crazy. The kids were hyper. It was the LEMON, I'M TELLING YOU. (inside joke...) Moving on...They couldn't sit still, be still, or even stop talking. I decided we'd go upstairs and watch Charlie Brown's Christmas...We got the bean bags, blankets, and pillows and sat in front of the t.v. I laughed like crazy. It was really cute. It's been awhile since I watched that show. LOL. It used to be one of my all time favorites! Then, it was attack who's-ever on the bed. They pounced, kicked and jumped all over us for at least 30 minutes. When it got too rowdy I kicked them one by one off of the bed. That didn't stop them and they came back for more. Brevy, had another idea and grabbed my legs and pulled me down with him. There I was on the floor...Then, Meesa came next and finally Aiy all on top of me. LOL. They are crazy, I tell ya!!!! No more lemon for them. So, this went on until poor Daddy had a headache. I sent them to their rooms to clean and put away all the comfy blanket mess. Two seconds later we were all down stairs. It took them 15 minutes to get in their chairs to drink their milk. Why? Because Brevy and Aiy, were playing "Batman." A game where they "play fight." Aiy, is always Joker! Brevy, is always Batman! It's really funny most of the time. They aren't supposed to have real contact just hit and miss, type stuff. Brevy, really gets this mind set and thinks he really IS Batman. AiyDiosMio! Meesa, tries to get in on it. Aiy, just touches her head and she falls down. They are too crazy!! It was hard getting them to settle down after all that playtime. *sigh* It was a busy night to say the least...In all the commotion I forgot to call my cousin back. Oops...I've been saying it all week that I'll call him. I thought for sure I'd have time after baby got home. Who knew we'd be making Christmas trees...And having so much "fun." I'm tried now. Contacts are all dry. LOL. Oh well...Hopefully they are fully asleep now...All to do it all over again tomorrow night. Only thing is, I won't be around. Poor Daddy! Aiy, will be here, too. Aww....Hope you have enough energy to put up with these crazy kids, Baby! :-} G'night!!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005 



Tuesday, December 06, 2005 

My coaching...

Last night, I had my coaching at work. I've been waiting weeks for it and finally I brought it up yesterday. My supervisors assistant said she'd definitely sit down with me and we'd listen to my call. YAH!! So, we did and I thought I did well. I am where I need to be on every subject, which is a good thing. I just need to get more assumptive. Assume they are going to get it, don't ask. Hmm...Okay...I thought to myself, "that's so pushy!" Ugh! So, get more pushy. I'm not used to that, but as a "Fashion Consultant" --I need to. Okay! I had some questions and her answers were things I have already tired. I guess I am doing pretty well. I just hate it when an old lady calls and it's impossible to get her off the phone. I'm only allowed 400 seconds each call. If someone is going on and on about their day and everything that has ever happened to them...I'm not going to make that handle time. That's the bad thing about working nights, people want to TALK to you. Not a good thing when you're trying to improve. So, I listen and acknowledge and then try to get back to the order. Impossible sometimes and also very frustrating! Oh well. I also got good marks, because I'm nice and pleasant on the phone and I offer the people to shop. Yay! Overall, it was a good thing. I got to be off the phones for over an hour, too. Today, is our busy day. I should have a great chance at a nice AOS today. I hope, anyway. :-}


Christmas Party

The Christmas party went well on Saturday. Charles and I, got a night alone--no kids!!! It was nice to dress up and not have to rush and just be able to do our own thing. :) It was held at the Tamahya Hotel. They had violinist play music while we ate. The main course was delicious. We had yummy cheese cake to end it well. I should have had a second piece, it was that good. LOL. Then, after dinner they had a live band. It would have been nice, but I think all they were going to play was mariachi music. Charles and I, don't like that kind of music, so we skipped out. First stopping really quick to sit in front of the fire place. After the party we didn't know what to do. We had free time and nothing to do. Baby, wanted to go see a movie. I didn't, because I was tired and thought I might fall asleep while watching one. We called to check on the kids and mom-in-law sounded restless. We decided to rent a movie and call it a night. When we got home of course the kids were still up. They were in bed, but not fooling anyone. Especially me! So, we said good night to them and set up a lil cozy spot in front of the t.v. We watched,"Skeleton Key." It was kind of scary...Eh, it was okay. We were up until midnight. AHHH!

Sunday morning we get up early so we can drive 30 minutes to get aiy and then all go to church. AHHHH! So, needless to say I didn't get much sleep. I had to work on Sunday, until Midnight on top of that. AHHHHH! LOL.

All this week I have a full schedule. Christmas is right around the corner and they've added hours to my schedule. Wonderful! Today, is going to be a busy day too. I hope to bring up my AOS. That would be nice...So, people who want to spend, spend, spend-- call me!!!! :-)~

Monday, December 05, 2005 

After Church

We just got home from church. The kids spent some time in the day care there for the very first time. Meesa, was fine with it, but Brevy cried. I stayed with him for awhile and then I had to attend service. When we came back to get him, he was playing with another little boy and talking away. He looked up and saw me watching him and just smiled. LOL. He got his worksheet that he completed and took off. Turns out he had a blast! He wants to go back again next time. :) He colored and they talked about Jesus and had snack. Meesa, did well. She held his hand when he was crying and then after music time they go to different rooms. Meesa, was playing with some toys and I walked in the classroom. She was excited to see me, but kept playing while I talked with some other parents. LOL. I asked her if she was going to stay and she got up and came to me, giggling. LOL. They had a good time. It's better than me missing half of the service, because I'm interacting with them or telling them to sit still. I like it much better. Charles and I, actually got to sit next to one another and it was nice not to have to keep after the kiddies. :) Next week, I know where we're taking them...Again. :) YAY!!!!


Here's my little man after Church. :) He likes his new outfit and loves getting dressed up.


Church Girl

pic. removed. Miss. "Bones" in her new outfit after Church. ;) They did such a good job at the day care. We were so proud of them. They're going to need to get used to us being away and being around other children. School is just around the corner. I'm happy to see that this lil one doesn't mind leaving us for awhile. I feel good about the whole idea.

Friday, December 02, 2005 


pic. removed. Looking down at her I asked where her teeth were so she'd smile. She showed me they were in her mouth. lol. Good Girl! :)



pic. removed.

Thursday, December 01, 2005 

Nice Day! :):)

Today, was my day off. I ended up getting up really late and the kids and I, headed off to do some grocery shopping. I thought I'd be picking up my new sapphire contacts. We got the food and extra Christmas items, but no contacts. They called me and told me they were ready, but apparently they don't even have them. Way to go! Ugh! So, I have to wait a few more days. The kids were actually good today. They took a really late nap and woke up to find that "Kitty" who actually has a name; "Smokey," was in the house. I talked to the little boy who lives across the street. He was about to go into his house and "Smokey" ran right to me. I asked the kids if it was his cat. He said, "yeah!" I asked what his name was and he told me. Seems like he could care less if his cat was over at our house. Turns out the cat is always at my next door neighbors, too. I was out side trying to string lights on our lil xmas tree out front and carried on a conversation with him as well. Nice neighbors. He thought the cat was ours...(Oh great!) So, I cleared up that situation. He's a nice cat! I don't know why they don't take better care of the poor thing. The kids and I, got him some more food and treats. Baby, always tells me that he's not my cat. Yes, I know this, but if the poor thing is outside our door hollering...I'm going to feed him. I can't NOT feed him. I just can't! So, I'm not attached....Right! But I do feed him and will continue. Anyway, enough about Smokey.

Baby, was supposed to have a basketball game tonight. Turns out everyone got to go home on time. That was good news for poor Charles. He's been sick and not feeling well all day. I think his body just shut down. He's only been getting 5 hours of sleep here and 6 hours there. You can't function like that. I was glad that he'd be coming home early. The minute he got in the door we tucked him into bed. Aiy, would be coming over and that meant Brevy and Meesa, would be getting hyper. I was going to take care of all three kids tonight with no help. Usually, that's what I do anyway, because he wouldn't be getting home until 9:30pm on an ordinary Thursday night. Baby, needs his rest tonight. I did and it went well. There was no fighting! No arguing! No noise at all really. I managed to have Aiy take a bath, finish her homework, make dinner, eat, get them all in there night clothes, read four stories, make aiy's lunch for tomorrow, get baby's clothes ready for tomorrow, Aiy's clothes-too, fixed her hair so it'd stay, and tuck them all into bed without really bothering Charles. (not in that order, either.) YAY! Way to go, Mom! They're all sleeping now, except me. I'm used to working until at least 11pm and I don't get to bed until 12:30-1am. Not saying that's a good thing, but my body isn't ready to sleep.

It's actually going to be in the 60's tomorrow. At least we don't have to deal with the bone-chilling temperatures that we had at the beginning of the week. That was a flash back of NY weather. In a few days some parts of NM will be hit with up to 10 inches of snow. You'd think it come our way, but not a chance. I was hoping that this winter would be better than last year. It's higher elevation...Doesn't that mean something? I guess not when you live in a dry state like NM. Oh well. I can still hope for something. We'll probably just get the nasty winds and that's it.

Saturday Charles and I, are going to a Christmas party with his other job. It's going to be held at a really nice, expensive hotel. Nice! I just got a new outfit and I can't wait to wear it. I'm looking forward to spending some time with him. Even though I'm not working as many hours I did in my grueling training, I still don't get to see him. He comes home, we eat dinner, I go to work, eat and then go to bed. The next day we do it all over again. No fun at all. This will be a good opportunity to spend some us time and have fun doing it. (Amen!) I can't wait for Saturday. Since, my contacts are starting to dry up I guess that means this will be coming to an end. It will be back to our usual schedule tomorrow. Sounds like fun....Right....G'nite. :)

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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